Back to School Series: Soothing Sore Throat Remedies

sick child aEven after all the handwashing, the healthy food, the immune supporting supplements… one of us seems to come down with something. A sore throat seems to be the first sign of back-to-school illness for us. Most of the time, a sort throat is self limiting, although uncomfortable – but when it is accompanied by a fever and a tummy ache, it may be something more. If after a few days of resting and trying some sore throat remedies, a visit to the doctor may be advised.

Here are a few soothing things to do to help you and your loved ones ease the pain of a sore throat.

Salt water gargle: Studies have shown that gargling with salt water can help Continue reading “Back to School Series: Soothing Sore Throat Remedies”

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Sore Throat Remedies

chicken soupEven after the handwashing, the healthy food, the immune supporting supplements… one of us seems to come down with something. Right now, it is a sore throat (strep throat?), fever and a tummy ache. It is most likely a virus, so we wait and rest and do lots of healing things to try to feel better.

Here are a few soothing sore throat remedies to try to help you and your loved ones ease the pain of a sore throat.

Salt water gargle: Studies have shown that gargling with salt water can help ease the pain and discomfort associated with a sore throat. Continue reading “Sore Throat Remedies”

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Series: Staying Healthy Over the Long Holiday Season

family-walk-in-woodsThanksgiving is only a few weeks away, and for many that means the start of a hectic traveling season, too. Whether it is visiting family and friends or traveling for work, having an action plan for staying healthy and relatively stress-free over the holiday season is important.

Over the next few weeks, watch for blogs that can help you handle digestion (is that your third helping of stuffing?), anxiety and stress, and even hygiene. The first in this series is how to help when you start feeling the first symptoms of a cold or the flu. Continue reading “Series: Staying Healthy Over the Long Holiday Season”

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Soothe Sore Throats with Pathway Zinc Lozenges

reliance-zinc-lozengesTrying to fight off a cold? Or have an irritating, persistent cough? The perfect companion to common cold symptoms, Pathway Zinc Lozenges may help relieve coughs and sore throats. Each lozenge contains 15 mg of zinc enhanced with vitamin C, bee propolis and slippery elm bark in a natural lemon flavor. Pathway Zinc Lozenges are best taken at the first sign of a cold and can help soothe a dry and irritated throat and strengthen immune function.

Zinc: Zinc is an important mineral that is essential to maintaining a healthy immune system. Clinical studies support the use of zinc supplementation in reducing the duration of the common cold. Zinc lozenges are believed to work by interfering with viral replication and by preventing viruses from penetrating into cells.  Zinc is also an important cofactor for the antioxidant system superoxide dismutase (SOD).  Zinc speeds wound healing and is used for the healing of burns and surgical incisions.  Zinc is also involved in the sensory organs, the eyes, nose and tastebuds. Continue reading “Soothe Sore Throats with Pathway Zinc Lozenges”

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3 Sore Throat Remedies

I thought I had gotten through this long, long winter without a cold, but the other day I felt the tickle in my throat starting. Before it could become a full-blown throat infection, I started to hit it hard with three great sore throat remedies. Bye-bye sore throat!

1. Pathway Throat-Ease. This easy-to-use spray contains herbs that provide relief quickly. Osha and licorice are just two of the herbs that soothe a sore throat but also help if you have a cough. Throw this in your pocket, and use it whenever you feel the need for relief.

2. Raw honey. A tablespoon stirred into a tea or just taken by the spoon, can really help ease a sore throat. This one is especially good for children over the age of 1. In fact, a study in Pediatrics showed that 2 tsps of honey helped children with sore throats and coughs, especially when it came to sleeping at night.

2. Gargle with salt water. Mix about 1 tsp of sea salt with warm water and gargle for 30 seconds. Repeat throughout the day as needed. How effective is this home remedy? A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine in 2005 followed test subjects during the winter. Those who were instructed to gargle three times per day, even while healthy, had a nearly 40% reduction in upper respiratory tract infections over the control group, that didn’t gargle at all. The gargling may have helped fend off viruses and bacteria by preventing the buildup of mucus where the microbes could take up residence.

If you continue to have a sore throat, or it’s accompanied by a fever or any sort of discharge, get yourself to a doctor.

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