Good Sleep As a Baby Affects Health Decades Later

baby-sleepingGood sleep is important for all of us, but interestingly, good sleep as a baby turns out to be more important than we knew previously. Researchers from the Penn State College of Medicine have found that establishing good sleep patterns for your baby will affect their health, even years later.

They found that babies that get into a good bedtime routine are half as likely to be overweight at the age of 1 as other babies the same age. This finding is important because infants that gain a lot of weight in the first year of life are more likely to be obese later in life, putting them at risk of heart disease, diabetes and a host of other illnesses. Continue reading “Good Sleep As a Baby Affects Health Decades Later”

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Health Benefits of Melatonin – Not Just for Sleep!

melatoninWhen I think of the supplement melatonin, the first thing that comes to mind is supporting sleep. It can be very helpful for initiating sleep, increasing sleep duration, as well as regulating circadian rhythm and reducing jet lag. But, new research shows many more exciting health benefits of melatonin. For example, studies indicate that it can also protect against neurodegenerative diseases and brain injury, help with migraines, provide important support for cancer patients, support heart health, and protect the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

Melatonin is a hormone that is produced from the pineal gland in the brain. But, it is now known that it is also produced in multiple sites in the body. In fact, up to 500 times more melatonin is synthesized in the intestinal tract than in the pineal gland. Derived from the amino acid L-tryptophan, melatonin has powerful antioxidant capabilities and anti-inflammatory properties. Promising new areas of research include: Continue reading “Health Benefits of Melatonin – Not Just for Sleep!”

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5 Tips for Healthy Weight Control

breakfastHealthy weight control can be challenging in the summertime for anyone trying to maintain or lose weight. Barbeques, cold drinks and ice cream can really hinder your weight loss goals. Here are some smart and healthy strategies to help you reach and control your weight, and still enjoy the summer!

Eat breakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast slows your metabolism and increases your hunger, and this can add up to extra calories over time. Even if you think there isn’t time for breakfast, grab-and-go options like cereal bars, protein shakes or low-fat yogurt are quick breakfast options.

Weight training: This type of exercise can increase the number of calories you burn every day while resting, and also maintain healthy bones.

Stress less: Being stressed can mean more weight, even if you’re not an emotional eater. The stress hormone cortisol can promote fat storage when it’s been at an elevated level for too long in our bodies. To de-stress, practice conscious breathing, try acupuncture, write it down, or spend time in nature. Click here for more tips.

Sleep: I know this is easier said than done for many, but one study out of the University of South Australia found that people who slept less than 4 hours on average each night, for just five nights, gained more than a kilogram of weight. That was compared to those who slept 10 hours per night and gained no weight at all. Continue reading “5 Tips for Healthy Weight Control”

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Link Between Lack of Sleep and Alzheimer’s

sleepResearchers at UC Berkley have found a possible link between sleep deprivation and the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Scientists found that poor sleep allows a memory robbing protein, beta-amyloid protein, to build up in the brain and that protein then disrupts sleep further, creating a vicious non-sleep cycle. The study, published in Nature Neoscience, looked at 26 older adults between the ages of 65 and 81 who showed no existing evidence of dementia or other neurodegenerative, sleep or psychiatric disorders.

To study the link between sleep and Alzheimer’s, each participant received PET scans to measure levels of beta-amyloid in the brain. Then they were asked to memorize 120 word pairs and tested on how well they remembered a portion of them.

The study participants then slept for 8 hours, during which an EEG measured their brain waves. The following morning, their brains were scanned using fMRI as they recalled the remaining word pairs. Overall, the results showed that the study participants with the highest levels of beta-amyloid in the medial frontal cortex had the poorest quality of sleep. Continue reading “Link Between Lack of Sleep and Alzheimer’s”

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10 Tips for Great Sleep While You Travel

Love to travel? Here’s some good news and some… not so good news.

Anything your body views as a stressor impacts your weight, your health and your sleep. While you may love to travel, your body may be viewing it as a source of stress. Are there ways to travel without burdening your body and your health? Of course! Here’s a list of conditions your body considers stressful. Work on solutions to some of these conditions now and you’ll be sleeping like a baby on your next trip!

1. External Stressors

▪ Mental and Emotional Stress: When we feel overburdened, overwhelmed or any other negative emotion we send signals to our body that we’re in a state of crisis. Cortisol (the stress hormone) is released which tells the body to prepare for battle, a condition that discourages restful sleep.  Continue reading “10 Tips for Great Sleep While You Travel”

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May 2024