Support Your Immune System: Plant Sterols

Sterols and sterolins aren’t what most people reach for when supporting the immune system – however, sterols and sterolins do have immune regulating effects. Plant sterols, also known as phytosterols, are healthy plant fats found naturally in cold-pressed or unrefined oils, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains.

Along with helping the immune system, studies have shown that supplementing with these “plant fats” benefits the prostate by increasing urinary flow rate and decreasing pain and burning on urination in men who have benign prostate hypertrophy. They have also been studied as an anti-inflammatory agent and immune regulator in rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, sterols and sterolins stimulate insulin secretion and may contribute to better blood sugar control for diabetics. As more research is done on these molecules, more health benefits are bound to be uncovered.

Although, there are no known contraindications with plant sterols, some studies show a reduction in the carotenes when plant sterols are taken, so it may be wise to make sure that your multivitamin has beta-carotene.

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Support Your Immune System: Garlic

Garlic has long been the go-to herb of cooks and health advisers for its health benefits. Garlic contains organosulfur compounds that research has shown stimulate white blood cells (fight disease and infection) and have anti-tumor properties.

Can’t deal with the smell or the digestive consequences of raw garlic? You are not alone! Fortunately, garlic extract supplements provide odor-controlled alternatives. You should also look for a high allicin content. Allicin, is a powerful compound in garlic that is released when it is crushed. As well as having antibiotic properties, allicin is an excellent anti-fungal; garlic preparations have been used in folk medicine to treat skin infections such as athlete’s foot.

Dosage varies according to individual needs, but 500mg of garlic is great for supporting your immune system.

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Support Your Immune System: Oregano Oil

Last week, I wrote about astragalus and its positive effects on the immune system. This week I am tackling oregano oil. Not just a spice used in Italian cooking, oregano extracts have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity. Chronic infections like candidiasis, and contagious new viruses like SARS, seem to be inhibited by oregano. Oregano also seems to be beneficial for respiratory health, but also may act as an expectorant (helps to expel mucus) and antispasmodic (relieves coughing).

Chemical substances in oregano account for its tremendous healing qualities. These include alcohols, esters, phenols, and terpenes. They work synergistically to make oregano a powerful natural health aid. Phenols act as antiseptics and antioxidants, while terpenes exhibit antiseptic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties. Alcohol components linalool and borneol add to the antiviral and antiseptic qualities, and esters are potent antifungal agents.

A little goes a long way, and if you are using the drops, then 4 drops is all you need. Now, before you go buy it, make sure you buy Oregano Oil liquid and not the Essential Oil of Oregano.  The latter is used in aromatherapy and should not be ingested.

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Support Your Immune System: Astragalus

Choosing the right foods and supplements to support your immune system is a good strategy for winning the battle against colds, flu, infections and other immune challenges. Over the next week I will be writing about some foods and supplements that will help keep you and your family healthy during cold and flu season.

Astragalus: This traditional Chinese medicine has hundreds of published clinical studies to support its positive effects on the immune system. It is beneficial for infections (especially respiratory), stress-related immune dysfunction, and recovery after illness or surgery; some studies have used it as cancer treatment. It can also help you resist cold and flu.

In contrast to the immune-boosting properties of some herbs, astragalus can be taken for long periods of time (several months) without showing a decrease in the response of the immune system. However, it should be avoided if you have a fever.

Astragalus is most readily available in capsules and tinctures. Tinctures are my preferred way of administration. Both Gaia Herbs and Herb Pharm make excellent quality astragalus tinctures.  For more information about dosage, please contact us.

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Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?

The majority of Americans (both children and adults) are deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with numerous diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, depression, osteoporosis, psoriasis, periodontal disease, macular degeneration, mental illness, propensity to fall, and chronic pain.

Beyond its role in enhancing calcium absorption, new research has shown that vitamin D improves immune function (fights colds and flus) and can reduce the risk of a variety of cancers.

Factors that affect vitamin D status include: latitude, season, time of day, air pollution, cloud cover, melanin content of the skin, use of sunblock, age, and the extent of clothing covering the body. Also, prescription medications can deplete vitamin D levels. Continue reading “Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?”

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May 2024