5 Tips to Fight Summer Colds

summer-coldsWriting the words “summer” and “colds” in the same sentence just seems wrong. Unfortunately, in my house summer colds are an all too real situation. There isn’t much difference between a cold in the summer and any time of year, as they are all caused by viruses. The difference I find is how we take care of colds in the summer. In the winter, we tend to stay in and rest. In the summer, colds just seem inconvenient because of  busy schedules (vacation, activities) which make rest easier said than done.

If you have a summer cold and you need some relief, here are some tips:

Neti pot: If you’re experiencing nasal congestion, flush out your nose and sinuses with a saline solution. If you suffer from allergies, this is also very helpful.

Humidifier or diffuser: Using a humidifier or diffuser can help with congestion and open up airways. Better yet, add some eucalyptus, peppermint or rosemary essential oil.

Echinacea: Echinacea was first used in Native American healing. It can boost the immune system by improving the ability of white cells to fend off germs and avoid them taking hold in your body. As soon as you start noticing symptoms, you should begin taking echinacea.  Continue reading “5 Tips to Fight Summer Colds”

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Recommended by Dr. Oz to Fight Colds and Flu: Echinacea, Zinc, Vitamin D

There are a lot of supplements that claim to boost your immune system and help fight colds and flu. Some work, some don’t… but these three supplements have a lot of research to back them up. Recommended by Dr. Oz to fight colds and flu (and we agree!), and to support your immune system, these supplements may even prevent colds and flu if taken correctly! (It is also a good idea to let your doctor know what you are taking to ensure there aren’t any interactions with medications or conditions.)

1. Echinacea: According to doctoroz.com, echinacea has a long history of use for treating respiratory infections and several studies show that echinacea can help you get over a cold faster and reduce symptoms. Continue reading “Recommended by Dr. Oz to Fight Colds and Flu: Echinacea, Zinc, Vitamin D”

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Kick the Summer Cold

Who gets colds in the summer? I do! And it’s awful. I want to be enjoying the beautiful weather, swimming in the pool or heading to our cottage on the lake, but instead I am nursing a runny nose, sinus headache, and coughing fits.

It all started with too much to do, not getting enough sleep, and therefore not taking care of myself like I should have been doing. With a lowered immune system, the cold virus just took hold.

But not for long. I took Pathway Cold and Sinus Blaster, along with plenty of vitamin C and before you knew it, I was back to my old self. Pathway Cold and Sinus Blaster is a unique product that supports the immune system with herbs like horseradish, echinacea, elderberry, garlic, peppermint oil, and goldenseal.

Pick some up while it’s on sale. It is a handy supplement to have on hand for those colds that sneak up on you.

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