Restless Legs Syndrome

People who suffer from this condition often complain of creepy-crawly sensations or itchy burning feelings, especially at night. RLS can wreak havoc on sleep and disrupts people’s work and social lives, because there is an almost irresistible urge to move their limbs to relieve the sensation, if only temporarily. Although the causes of Restless Legs Syndrome are still only presumed, the majority of studies are focusing on a combination of iron and dopamine deficiency.

Here are some supplements to try:

Iron: If you have RLS, have your ferritin levels tested. About 20% of sufferers are deficient in ferritin (the form in which your body stores iron). Iron supplementation is generally recommended when ferritin levels measure less than 50ng/mL. For those with a deficiency, studies have shown that taking 200 to 300mg of oral ferrous sulfate up to three times per day can improve RLS symptoms if taken over several months. Before you start chowing down on iron tablets, talk to your doctor about this and have your iron levels monitored regularly if you are supplementing.

Folic Acid: For those who have family history of RLS, high doses of folic acid seem to alleviate symptoms. Dennis Neary Jr., ND suggests that, “Perhaps there is some deficiency that gets passed from gene to gene that causes malabsorption on the folic acid end.” Recommended doses are pretty high, so it best that you work with a health care provider.

Magnesium: Sometimes RLS seems to be caused by an electrolyte imbalance. Patients with eating disorders, or who have undergone gastric bypass surgery, often develop RLS. Both these conditions disrupt electrolyte balance. If this is the case, magnesium may help because it promotes muscle and nerve health. Taking 200-800mg of elemental magnesium per day at night, may help those twitches.

L-theanine: This amino acid found in green tea promotes wave activity associated with deep sleep and is a precursor to the relaxing neurotransmitter GABA. Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum recommends it is a natural remedy for sleep, even though there is little evidence that it may help directly with RLS. He recommends 200mg of L-theanine 1 hour before bedtime to help you relax and sleep well.

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Kosher Vitamins and Supplements at Village Green

If you want to ensure that you’re taking the most scrupulously produced supplements, you may want to consider kosher supplements. What makes them the best?

  • Kosher supplements are meticulously examined and evaluated to make sure they meet especially strict standards.
  • The kosher symbol ensures that the product and its ingredients are being stringently supervised, with each ingredient tracked to its origin, and strict hygienic rules imposed on production.
  • Kosher certification guarantees an extra level of purity and quality.

Yesterday, I wrote about the importance of multivitamins. Well…Village Green Apothecary also offers kosher multivitamins from brands like Maxi Health, Solgar and Bluebonnet.

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Support Your Immune System: Multivitamin/Mineral

Even the most conscientious, healthy eaters may have a hard time getting all the vitamins and minerals required to prevent disease and illness.  Eating right is the first line of defense against all bugs, but a good multivitamin/mineral can provide some assurance against nutrient deficient diseases like rickets and scurvy. Look for a multivitamin that contains at least 100% of the required daily allowance (RDA) for vitamins A, C, D, E and your B vitamins. Choose one that is iron-free unless you are pregnant, or have been tested for iron deficiency.

Taking a multivitamin more than once per day can help keep water-soluble vitamins in your system longer. Look for one that is designed to take multiple times during the day.  Take your multivitamin with meals and a full glass of water to ensure proper digestion.

If you’d like some help picking out the right multi for you, give Village Green a call at 1-800-869-9159.

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Foods That Make You Feel Good

A friend of mine passed along this article about foods that are good for you and why. Dr. Kayt Haven wrote an article that is full of great advice! Food CAN be medicine – don’t be afraid of healthy fats, extra virgin organic coconut oil is not bad for you, eat the yolks, make dark chocolate your treat of choice… Good stuff!

Although I believe that supplementing with good quality vitamins, minerals and other nutrients is important in a world where soil has become deficient of nutrients, and where fast foods places are where many Americans get much of their daily food intake, this article is also a good reminder that good quality food is important for health.  Supplements are just that – SUPPLEMENTS, not REPLACEMENTS.

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Support Your Immune System: Vitamin C

Probably one of the most commonly used supplements, vitamin C speeds tissue growth and repair, supports hormone production, increases immune system functioning, and protects the body from toxins. It also regulates cholesterol, blood pressure and blood clotting. And vitamin C increases iron absorption and is an important part of our bone make-up.

Although vitamin C deficiency is rare nowadays, thanks to readily available citrus fruits, it can still occur. Signs that you may need to up your intake of this vitamin include bleeding gums, eczema, poor wound healing, weakness; increased colds and flus, as well as easy bruising. Also, you may need to supplement if you use oral contraceptives, antidepressants, analgesics, anticoagulants, steroids or alcohol.

Taking 500mg per day may be a good way to provide your body additional immune support during the cold and flu season. For a more therapeutic dosages, consult with a health care practitioner.

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  • Paula Gallagher
    Paula Gallagher
    Paula is a highly qualified and experienced nutrition counselor on the staff at Village Green.
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    Margo Gladding
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    Dr. Neal Barnard
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    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno
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    Dr. Rob Brown
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March 2025