Life Extension’s Migra-Eeze: Migraine Support

Nearly a year ago, I wrote about the beneficial effects of butterbur in treating migraines. In clinical trials in both Germany and the United States, butterbur reduced the incidence of head cavity discomforts by up to 61%. In fact , according to doctors from the American Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Society, butterbur is as effective as many prescription medications in making make a difference in preventing migraine headaches.

Life Extension’s Migra-Eeze contains butterbur root extract standardized to provide 22.5 mg of petasins with each daily dose of two softgels. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) and ginger are included, based on the ability of these nutrients to exert functional changes that may also guard against head cavity discomfort.

If you would like more information about butterbur, please contact Village Green Apothecary 1-800-869-9159.


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Life Extension is Our Newest Radio Show Sponsor

We are very excited to announce that Life Extension is our newest radio show sponsor. Life Extension offers a full range of premium vitamins, minerals, and hormones as well as unique, specially made formulas. Their products are developed based on the latest scientific studies from peer-reviewed medical journals and are continually updated as new information emerges. Life Extension’s expertise in the field of disease prevention and anti-aging has led to the creation of some of the best health-promoting, age-defying products and services available in the supplement marketplace today.

Life Extension uses only premium-quality ingredients in their formulations and focuses on three specific areas to ensure products that meet the most stringent standards – high quality raw materials, scientifically validated ingredient efficacy, and strict compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines for manufacturing, packaging, and storage. Continue reading “Life Extension is Our Newest Radio Show Sponsor”

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10 Ways to Boost Energy

Feeling sluggish or tired, or having a hard time getting motivated? I came across an excellent article called 10 Energy Boosters that I’d like to share with our readers. According to the author, naturopath Gillian Flower, these are ways to boost overall energy levels.

  1. Decrease long-term and constant stresses by developing healthy coping skills
  2. Exercise
  3. Practice yoga, meditation and qi gong
  4. Eat well: make food your medicine
  5. Correct nutritional deficiencies
  6. SLEEP!
  7. Create “me” time
  8. Declutter your living space, work space and unhealthy relationships
  9. Shake things up, get out of your rut
  10. Trust yourself

Supplements may also provide support for lagging energy levels. Consult with your healthcare practitioner to see if the energy-support supplements below are right for you.  Continue reading “10 Ways to Boost Energy”

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Antioxidant Formulas by Pathway

Debi “the Mojo Coach” wrote a fantastic blog about the importance of antioxidants in your diet. She provided delicious options to help you make the most of these cancer fighting nutrients. Unfortunately, the common American diet doesn’t tend to be filled with fruits and veggies. Personally, I agree with Debi… the best way to get antioxidants is to eat a colorful array of foods, but when that is not possible, supplementing with an antioxidant formula is an option.

Antioxidants protect the body from free radical damage caused by poor dietary habits, exposure to pollution, sun damage, smoking, drinking alcohol, and other lifestyle habits. Adding key antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, alpha lipoic acid, turmeric, and green tea can minimize this type of damage. Antioxidants can be protective and helpful in the following areas: detoxification, healthy cellular growth, brain, eye, skin, and heart health, as well as graceful aging. Continue reading “Antioxidant Formulas by Pathway”

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5 Reasons to Take Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals that you can take. It is needed for so many things, and unfortunately, many of us are deficient. Plus, magnesium content in our food is significantly less now than in the past. Over the years, our soil has been depleted of magnesium. Many modern day fertilizers alter the way plants are able to absorb magnesium as well, again depleting the amount available in our foods. Cooking can also alter magnesium content in our foods.

There is also a very wide array of medications that wreak havoc on our magnesium levels; blood pressure drugs, diabetes medications, as well as some antibiotics and hormone replacement therapies, just to name a few. Please check with your doctor, pharmacist or naturopath if you are worried about your magnesium levels. Your meds may very well be to blame for deficiencies.  Continue reading “5 Reasons to Take Magnesium”

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Our Bloggers

  • Paula Gallagher
    Paula Gallagher
    Paula is a highly qualified and experienced nutrition counselor on the staff at Village Green.
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  • Margo Gladding
    Margo Gladding
    Margo's impressive knowledge base is the result of a unique blend of educational and professional experience.
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  • Dr. Neal Barnard
    Dr. Neal Barnard
    Dr. Barnard leads programs advocating for preventive medicine, good nutrition, and higher ethical standards in research.
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  • Joseph Pizzorno
    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno
    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, ND is a pioneer of integrative medicine and a leading authority on science-based natural medicine.
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  • Debi Silber
    Debi Silber
    Debi is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition, a personal trainer, and whole health coach.
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  • Teri Cochrane
    Teri Cochrane
    Teri is a is a Certified Coach Practitioner with extensive certifications and experience in holistic medicinal practices.
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  • Dr. Rav Ivker
    Dr. Rav Ivker
    Dr. Rav Ivker is a holistic family physician, health educator, and best-selling author.
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  • Susan Levin
    Susan Levin
    Susan writes about the connection between plant-based diets and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.
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  • Rob Brown
    Dr. Rob Brown
    Dr. Brown's blended perspective of healthcare includes a deeply rooted passion for wellness and spiritual exploration.
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January 2025