These Measures to Improve Water Conservation Are Working

In the most recent report from my local utility (Burbank, California Power and Water), residential water usage has declined 13.1% over the past two years. Here’s why.

1) Constant communication to residents and businesses from Burbank P & W on the importance of conserving water.

2) Offering free home audits to residents to identify ways to conserve.

3) Mandatory installation of 2.5 gpm showerheads, 2.0 gpm kitchen faucet aerators, 1.6 gpf (gallon per flush) toilets in all new, remodeled, and rental buildings.

4) Landscape watering allowed on only 3 days per week, and never between the hours of 9AM and 6PM when evaporation would be the greatest.

5) No use of hose to wash driveways.

6) Restaurants offer water to patrons only if requested and all hotels in the city must offer the option for guests to reuse towels and bed linens. Continue reading “These Measures to Improve Water Conservation Are Working”

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How to Make a Green Habit Stick

When you decide to start a new habit, it is common to be enthusiastic at the outset. This enthusiasm causes us to attempt to do too much, to be overly optimistic about what we can maintain. Trying for too much when starting a new green habit sets us up for failure when we cannot sustain the effort needed.

Here are some ideas about how to start a green habit and make it stick.

Start with only one thing and make it something small

Smaller changes are easier to make permanent, and permanence defines a habit. You could, for example, choose as your first green habit turning off the lights every time you leave a room or separating all your recyclable paper. Whatever you choose, it should be something fairly simple and easy to achieve.

Focus on one thing at a time

By setting goals one at a time, you make it easier to maintain your focus. Staying focused on one thing at a time increases your ability to be successful. If you decide that you want to use less water by turning off the faucet while you brush your teeth, focus on that—and only that—every day for a week or two. Write it on a post-it note and stick it to your bathroom mirror as a constant reminder. You will be amazed how quickly it becomes a habit, and then you can pick the next green habit to create.

Don’t expect perfection

You will slip up, but don’t let that discourage you. Just continue to focus on the one green habit you have selected.

Be accountable to someone and make it fun

Having a person who will remind you (without nagging or being unpleasant about it!) is a huge help. My daughter will always remind me in a joking way if she notices that I forgot to turn off the lights—and vice versa.

Want more ideas? Check out Green Living Tips on our web site.

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Bugs Be Gone: Natural Insect Repellent

It is going to be a festive weekend. People are camping, swimming, BBQing and participating in all sorts of fun outdoor activities. However, two things to consider are the sun and the bugs and how to protect yourself and your children from them. In previous blogs, we have talked about sunscreen safety. In this post I am going to talk mosquitoes.

I come from the land where mosquitoes can carry away small cats. They are big, swarming nuisances, and for many DEET seems to be the only answer. DEET (N,N-diethyl-3-methyl-3-methylbenzamide) is a pesticide that is apparently designed to keep skeeters away, but the list of cautions, and potential serious side effects to humans makes me think that I am better off taking my chances with mosquitoes. The most serious side effects of DEET are on the central nervous system. Studies on lab rats have also shown that it causes learning and memory impairment, as well as messes with motor skills. Hmm, I don’t think I want this stuff on my 17-month-old, or myself.

So here are some natural alternatives to keep your family safe from mosquitoes. Continue reading “Bugs Be Gone: Natural Insect Repellent”

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World Cup Soccer: The Greenest World Cup Competition Ever

The biggest sporting event in the world, World Cup is well underway. Soccer has a gigantic fan base that loves to travel to watch their teams compete, and World Cup fervor has brought a lot of people flying into South Africa, staying in hotels, getting transported to and from the stadiums all over the country. In addition to the emissions produced by all the travel, there will be a temporary but significant increase in demand for South Africa’s largely coal-generated power. This sounds like a big environmental negative.

But there are some very green aspects to this year’s World Cup, and it is worth highlighting those. The stadiums are greener, with a big focus on recycling, reduced waste, and efficient people movement.

But my favorite green innovation in the 2010 World Cup is the uniforms being worn by Team USA and eight other teams. The jerseys are made of a high performance material produced entirely from recycled plastic bottles. The stretchy, durable fabric is 15 percent lighter than a standard soccer shirt, and has thousands of laser-bored holes for ventilation. How is that for being green and high-tech at the same time?

Nike has provided these remarkable outfits for the teams, and I am told they are available at retail for about $70. I like this trend. Other vendors have been offering clothing made from recycled plastic for some time, but we can thank the 2010 World Cup for bringing this green innovation to our attention.What a great way to keep plastic bottles out of landfills!

I wonder if the shirts are recyclable to make more shirts?

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Energy Hogs in the Home and How to Tame Them

If you want to save energy in your home, it pays to focus on the biggest energy users – the energy hogs. What are those energy hogs? In order, here are the most voracious porkers that are driving up your electricity bill:

  • Air Conditioner (AC):  Far and away the biggest energy drain you have.
  • Refrigerator:  This is the second biggest energy hog in your home, largely because it runs 24/7.
  • Washer and Dryer:  These two appliances have a larger impact than the dishwasher.

By focusing on how to use these appliances more efficiently, you can cut your electric bill significantly.  Here’s how.

1. Set your thermostat wisely, according to the season and when you are actually at home. By maintaining the temperature in your home a few degrees warmer in the summer months, you will save  a surprising amount. Keep the thermostat around 80 degrees F if you are at work or will be away from home for an extended period (e.g. vacation). Even better, consider investing in a programmable thermostat that will make the adjustments for you automatically. Continue reading “Energy Hogs in the Home and How to Tame Them”

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January 2025