Here is the first in our weekly series of excerpts from the EBook, “6 Weeks to a Greener Lifestyle.” See the note at the end of this post for more information. — Paula
A common sentiment today is the desire to live greener – reduce waste, use less energy, conserve valuable resources – but many people are held back by a fear that living greener will mean a lot more inconvenience and hassle in their lives.
I know.
I had that same fear, and the fear of being inconvenienced created an inertial barrier to my actually doing anything.
But the only way to create a greener lifestyle is to take some action, some positive step toward “greenness.” You really can begin to establish greener habits right away with minimal inconvenience or upset to your current lifestyle. Living green and saving energy is good stewardship of the world we are privileged to live in.
There is also a very practical reason for establishing a greener lifestyle: it will save you money.
You will be rewarded for your efforts to “go green” not only by the realization that you are doing your part to conserve valuable resources and reduce your carbon footprint, but also by saving significant money as well.
The mission of this book is to help you create a greener lifestyle by taking practical, cost-effective steps that will minimize the inconvenience and maximize the financial benefits to you. Continue reading “EBook Excerpt: I Want a Greener Lifestyle – But I Don’t Want the Inconvenience”
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