Energy Needs for China – The Dragon Needs to Slay Its Dependence on Coal

You have probably read that China has energy production problems. The problem with China’s energy problems is that they cause problems for the rest of the world.

Here is an incident that perfectly exemplifies why China must improve its energy generation capabilities, and in particular, to develop alternative energy sources that are not dependent on coal. In August 2010 there was a 9-day traffic jam on a highway between Inner Mongolia and Beijing. Nine days! Why? Because trucks carrying coal to Beijing’s power plants blocked a road that was already somewhat restricted in traffic capacity due to road work. Unfortunately, without all that coal, Beijing would not be able to keep the lights on. Coal is currently used to produce about 70% of China’s electricity needs, and unfortunately that percentage is likely to increase in the future, not decrease. China is starting-up a new coal-fired power plant every week. Continue reading “Energy Needs for China – The Dragon Needs to Slay Its Dependence on Coal”

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10 Simple Things You Can Do to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Reducing your carbon footprint depends largely on using less carbon-producing energy. Even little actions can add up to create a worthwhile environmental benefit.

Here are 10 easy ways you can reduce your carbon footprint at home. There is literally no reason that almost anyone cannot take these simple, energy-saving steps.

1) Set your refrigerator temperature at 36° to 38° and your freezer at 0° to 5°. They will use less energy when you reduce the differential between the temperature of the room and the temperature set point inside the refrigerator and freezer.

2) Clean the lint filter in your dryer after every load so that it uses less energy.

3) Use a microwave oven instead of a conventional oven or cook top when possible to conserve energy when cooking. Savings are particularly striking when reheating food or liquids.  Continue reading “10 Simple Things You Can Do to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint”

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Impactful Green Technologies of the Future: Geothermal Energy and Advanced Biofuels

The wide range of green technologies under development is staggering. Alternative energy technologies, in particular, are receiving billions of dollars of support from venture capitalists, corporate investments, and government grants. With all the hype and noise in the alternative energy sector, a key challenge is separating the substance from the fluff.  For what it is worth, here are my thoughts on two green technologies that will truly have a large impact over the next one or two decades.

Number one on my list is geothermal power. In my humble opinion, geothermal heating and cooling is currently the most underutilized technology in the world. The principle behind geothermal technology is well understood.  No new science is needed. If you have ever gone into a cave or a traditional wine cellar, you know that below about 6 to 8 feet of depth, the temperature is relatively constant 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Geothermal technology simply makes use of this constant temperature underground to provide your home with cooling in the summer and heating in the winter. The technology is straightforward.  By circulating water or another suitable liquid through pipes buried in your backyard, the heating or cooling can be brought into your home. By setting up a heat exchanger inside your home, this relatively constant temperature source underneath your yard can be tapped into, becoming a heat sink in warm months and a heat source in cold months. Electricity and gas requirements for heating a cooling can be decreased dramatically. Continue reading “Impactful Green Technologies of the Future: Geothermal Energy and Advanced Biofuels”

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3 Tips To Go Green and Save Money

Do you believe that living greener costs too much, and that is the main reason you are held back from adopting a greener lifestyle?

To be sure, many vendors do charge a premium for green products. I have hard time with the idea that I will pay $50 for an organic fiber T-shirt or $40 for a reusable water bottle. In fact, at my home we try to focus on green lifestyle actions we can take that will actually save us money as we make our lives more sustainable. You can as well.

There are some actions you can take now that will starting saving money immediately. Here are three simple steps anyone can take, and the results will show up in lower utility bills by next month. Continue reading “3 Tips To Go Green and Save Money”

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Green Job Opportunities: In a Tough Job Market Consider Jobs Focused On Sustainability & Green Living

The job market is scary. The unemployment rate is currently more than 9%, and new job creation is sluggish at best. Good-paying jobs are not readily available. If you are out of work, it is common to look for many months before landing a job, even one that is not particularly to your liking.

One sector of the economy is offering job opportunities right now – the green sector. Businesses in alternative energy and companies focused on improving efficiency in energy use and promoting more environmentally- friendly practices are all growing employment.

Why? Consumers and businesses alike see the economic and environmental benefits of greener practices.

If you are interested in finding a job in the green sector, here are 10 areas where positions are likely to be most plentiful. Continue reading “Green Job Opportunities: In a Tough Job Market Consider Jobs Focused On Sustainability & Green Living”

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    Paula Gallagher
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    Dr. Rob Brown
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January 2025