Achieving Optimal Health Conference 2014

logo1 e1413816980196Learn from wellness experts about how to attain vibrant health through proper nutrition, regular exercise, and living a more meaningful life at this one-day health and wellness conference this Saturday, October 25 at Georgetown University.

Achieving Optimal Health Conference 2014 provides access to innovative leaders in health today. They will challenge you to think and act in new ways and teach you to achieve your own personal optimal health through food, lifestyle choices, and the practice of prevention.

The conference organizers have gathered an impressive array of speakers recognized as luminaries in the field of wellness today. Learn more about the speakers and details of the conference by clicking on the link below.

Conference Website

Saturday, October 25, 2014
Registration opens at 8:30 AM
Program from 9:15 – 4:00pm
Georgetown University
Washington, DC

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Health Benefits of Meditation – An Important Tool in Your Wellness Toolbox

When we think about meditating, we often think of it as a spiritual practice. While people have been practicing various forms of meditation for thousands of years, studies are finding that there are many health benefits of meditation as well, and that it can be an important tool in your wellness toolbox.

Here are just few benefits meditation provides:

Reduces blood pressure and levels of stress. Meditation is linked with reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Improves cognitive function. Researchers in a Psychological Science study reported, “Our results suggest that cultivating mindfulness is an effective and efficient technique for improving cognitive function, with wide reaching consequences”. (1)

Reduces pain. Meditation has been proven to reduce pain because it plays a role in what our minds pay attention to, according to a study in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. (1)  Continue reading “Health Benefits of Meditation – An Important Tool in Your Wellness Toolbox”

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Corporate Wellness Magazine

Corporate Wellness Magazine is an online publication dedicated to the health and wellness of employers and their employees. This month’s magazine has an article contributed by Village Green Apothecary. Wellness in the Workplace: How to increase employee productivity with a plan for healthy living offers supplement, diet, stress and exercise advice to help increase wellness and productivity.  If you have any suggestions or would like to see more articles like this one, please let us know.

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What Would it Take For Your “Garden” to Grow?

Last weekend I drove by a nursery and noticed many people excited to get everything they need to grow a perfect garden. While some held plants, some held flowers, some held seeds and others held gardening tools, these people all shared the same intention, to plant and grow a beautiful garden. Well, that got me thinking…

What does it take for a garden to flourish and thrive? Seemed to me that in order for plants or flowers to thrive, they need many of the same things we do.

Think about it. When planting flowers, we want to plant them on moist, nutrient rich soil, water them frequently, plant them where they’ll receive sunlight, adequate space and in an area that encourages their growth. Now take a look at us. What conditions do we need to grow, thrive and be our best? The moist, nutrient rich soil can be compared to eating healthy food. Are you eating a colorful, nutrient rich, healthy diet filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats and plenty of water? Just as the garden grows best when it has quality nutrients it can absorb, our bodies perform better when we eat quality foods packed with healthy ingredients while hydrating ourselves with enough water. Continue reading “What Would it Take For Your “Garden” to Grow?”

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Seven Tips to Become a More Positive Thinker

Positive thoughts lead to positive feelings. These feelings lead to positive emotions. These emotions then promote positive behaviors. Finally, the positive behavior creates positive outcomes. In applying these steps to a real example, it may look something like this.

Let’s say you’re thinking about how nice it will be to spend some quality time with someone you love. Just thinking about the time you’ll spend makes you feel good. Maybe you’re feeling content, loved and happy. Those feelings lead to positive emotions such as love or joy. When you’re experiencing emotions such as love or joy, you’re more inclined to behave in a way which is in line with those feelings. Maybe you’re more supportive, loving or compassionate as a result. Because you’re more supportive or compassionate, you have more to give and behave in a manner which is conducive to showing your compassion. You may be more inclined to say or do something nice to someone, simply because you feel good.

Continue reading “Seven Tips to Become a More Positive Thinker”

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Our Bloggers

  • Paula Gallagher
    Paula Gallagher
    Paula is a highly qualified and experienced nutrition counselor on the staff at Village Green.
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  • Margo Gladding
    Margo Gladding
    Margo's impressive knowledge base is the result of a unique blend of educational and professional experience.
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  • Dr. Neal Barnard
    Dr. Neal Barnard
    Dr. Barnard leads programs advocating for preventive medicine, good nutrition, and higher ethical standards in research.
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  • Joseph Pizzorno
    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno
    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, ND is a pioneer of integrative medicine and a leading authority on science-based natural medicine.
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  • Debi Silber
    Debi Silber
    Debi is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition, a personal trainer, and whole health coach.
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  • Teri Cochrane
    Teri Cochrane
    Teri is a is a Certified Coach Practitioner with extensive certifications and experience in holistic medicinal practices.
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  • Dr. Rav Ivker
    Dr. Rav Ivker
    Dr. Rav Ivker is a holistic family physician, health educator, and best-selling author.
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  • Susan Levin
    Susan Levin
    Susan writes about the connection between plant-based diets and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.
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  • Rob Brown
    Dr. Rob Brown
    Dr. Brown's blended perspective of healthcare includes a deeply rooted passion for wellness and spiritual exploration.
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