10 Strategies to Reduce or Eliminate Portion Distortion

Do you have a case of portion distortion? Are you economy sizing, value-mealing and supersizing? If so, read on.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Nearly 40% of U.S. adults are obese, along with 17% of children ages 2 to 19. Being obese or overweight raises your risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, blood pressure or cholesterol problems, stroke, and cancer. (1)”

While much of the obesity epidemic has to do with 24/7 access to nutrient-void and stripped yet calorically dense, highly processed, sub-foods, it often has to do with the portions we’ve grown used to over time.  Continue reading “10 Strategies to Reduce or Eliminate Portion Distortion”

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Why the Rise in Childhood Obesity?

With more than 50% of children already overweight, childhood obesity is more prevalent than ever. Many of these children are suffering physically, mentally and emotionally because of the habits and lifestyles they’ve gotten used to. Why are so many kids overweight and obese these days? Here are a few reasons why.

* Many kids are over-scheduled as they race from school to clubs, activities, teams, etc. They need to eat and often they’re given high sugar, highly processed snack foods and drinks that are easy to travel with and that they can eat in the car. In an effort to save time, many parents go through the drive-thru to pick up their children’s meals, going from one activity to the next.

* Some kids are extremely sedentary. A major portion of their diets consists of unhealthy food/drinks and they’re spending hours in front of a television or computer screen vs. being outside and active. This combination of poor food choices and a sedentary lifestyle is a recipe for poor health and obesity. Continue reading “Why the Rise in Childhood Obesity?”

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Becoming Fit and Healthy is a Family Affair

One of the most important reasons for parents to get themselves feeling, looking and living their best is for the sake of their kids.

Did you know that in 2010, about 50% of all kids were overweight! At this point, one third of their diets consist of nothing but junk food. Add to that “portion distortion,” fast/takeout food and inactivity and you’ve got a recipe for unhealthy kids.

The first suggestion I give moms (who handle 90% of food tasks) is to set a good example. There simply is no better way to get the message across to kids.

Encouraging moderate portions of well-balanced meals (protein/carb/fat), variety and eating every few hours to discourage being overly hungry are a few places to start. Kids can also be included in some of the shopping and food preparation details. When they’re included, they’ve more likely to buy into the idea of its importance.

You may also want to reconsider family style eating. It’s great to stay at the table enjoying each other’s company, but family style typically encourages seconds. Continue reading “Becoming Fit and Healthy is a Family Affair”

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    Paula Gallagher
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July 2024