Building Strong Bones with Diet, Exercise and Bone Guardian

greensAs we age, our bone density decreases and diseases such as osteoporosis can occur. The best way to avoid this, or decrease the chance of this disease, is by making sure your bones are strong now. Exercise, diet and supplementation are all important for building strong bones and maintaining bone health.

Many studies have shown the value of calcium along with other minerals  and vitamins in supporting bone health. The best way to get calcium and other supportive nutrients is a combination of diet and supplements. This has shown to be a more effective way of protecting bone mass than diet alone or supplementation alone.

So first thing, make sure that you are eating healthfully. Make sure that your diet contains foods that are rich in calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and zinc. Although dairy is most people’s go-to for bone health, there are many other options for getting your calcium and other bone-supportive nutrients. Continue reading “Building Strong Bones with Diet, Exercise and Bone Guardian”

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Boost Bone Health with Synergistic Calcium and Vitamin D

Bone GuardianA couple of months ago, we wrote a blog about the powerful antioxidant potential when you combined ellagic acid and quercetin. This week’s dynamic duo is calcium and vitamin D for bone health. For many, this vitamin and mineral combo is well known to help prevent osteoporosis, but sometimes a reminder is a good idea.

Vitamin D is the main regulator of bone-building calcium absorption. Without it, your bones won’t get the full benefit of the calcium you consume. According to, without enough vitamin D the body absorbs 65% less calcium. The benefits of calcium and vitamin D extend beyond osteoporosis. Research out of Harvard Medical School found that premenopausal women with the highest intakes of vitamin D and calcium had a 30% lower risk of developing breast cancer!

So how can you ensure that you are getting enough? Sun, diet and supplementation. Getting 10 to 15 minutes of strong, direct sunlight on exposed skin should fill your stores of vitamin D for the day, but the reality is that many of us don’t get that for one reason or another.
Eating sustainably harvested wild Alaskan sockeye salmon can also provide you with vitamin D – and if you eat the bones that are in the canned salmon, you also get 20% of your calcium intake. For a quick lunch that is high in vitamin D and calcium and is great for your bones, combine plain yogurt with salmon, add some spices and serve on a bed of lettuce!  Continue reading “Boost Bone Health with Synergistic Calcium and Vitamin D”

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SOS for a Broken Bone

LEFT CLAVICLE 2 VIEWS 0001Two weeks ago, this happened. This is a picture of my 4-year-old’s broken collarbone. I always thought that if he were to break something, it might be while playing ice hockey – but this was done trying to do a somersault!


Our little guy was in a lot of pain, but the doctor gave him a positive prognosis… as long as he was careful and took it easy. Easier said than done!

The thing with a broken collarbone is that there is no cast or sling – it’s just 4 to 6 weeks of rest. So we had to figure out something to heal our swimmer/hockey player a little more quickly so he could get back to his activities.

Aside from being very, very careful, this is what he is doing for his broken bone:

Symphytum officinale: This is a homeopathic remedy that is specific to promoting healing of bone trauma. He takes 5 pellets three times per day.

Arnica montana: Another homeopathic remedy intended for any sort of trauma, pain or soreness. He also takes 5 pellets three times per day.

Vitamin D: 2000IU per day. Vitamin D is essential to bone health, along with organic , whole-milk yogurt for calcium and magnesium.

Eating green leafy veggies, like kale, spinach and rapini.

He goes back to the doctor in 2 weeks to see how he is doing. He already has full range of his arm, which is a great sign. I will keep you posted!


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3 Steps to Bone Health

Establishing strong bones should start young. Did you know that 90% of peak bone mass is reached by the age of 18 in girls and 20 in boys? So it would make sense that we do the most we can to increase bone density in our younger years, as opposed to just trying to prevent it when we are older.

Bone is living tissue that changes constantly, with bits of old bone being removed and replaced by new bone. At about the age of 30, the amount of bone being made starts to decrease, increasing the risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis.

There are many factors that affect peak bone mass. Some like gender and race cannot be changed. However, there are three factors that you can do something about.

1. Diet/Nutrition: Maintaining a healthy diet that combines calcium-rich foods is important to building and maintaining bone density. Dairy (organic is best), dark leafy greens, almonds and salmon are rich calcium sources and should be incorporated into your diet to achieve the recommended 1000mg of calcium per day. If you have a hard time achieving that with food, supplementing with a calcium product like Pathway Bone Guardian is an important factor to consider. Continue reading “3 Steps to Bone Health”

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Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Gestational Diabetes

It has been a while since we have had some information on one of our most popular topics, vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin.” A new study out of Australia has shown that there is a connection between low vitamin D levels and gestational diabetes. Vitamin D is one of the important vitamins during pregnancy; researchers recommend that a pregnant woman should regularly get tested for vitamin D deficiency.

The study involved 147 women at Westmead Hospital’s gestational diabetes clinic. More than 40% of the women had lower than average vitamin D levels at the start of the study. The research was led by Dr. Sue Lynn Lau and Dr. Jenny Gunton from Sydney’s Garvan Institute of Medical Research, with Dr. Neil Athayde and Professor Wah Cheung from Westmead Hospital. The researchers noticed that the women with the worst blood sugar control were also those with the lowest vitamin D levels. The findings are published in the latest issue of the Medical Journal of Australia.

Gestational diabetes carries a whole list of complications including premature labor and birth, blindness, increased risk of both mother and baby developing type 1 or 2 diabetes within 10 years, and a very large birth weight baby (over 12 pounds). Low vitamin D levels can also cause the newborn to have weak bones, which can be broken more easily by a fall during childhood and adulthood.

If you are pregnant or are thinking of becoming pregnant, talk to your doctor about supplementing with vitamin D3.  I am 32 weeks pregnant and I take 2000IU per day.  It is also something you would want to continue after your baby is born.  If you choose to nurse, you will also need to give your infant vitamin D, as well.

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