EWG’s Dirty Dozen Produce List for 2013

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) released their Dirty Dozen™ for 2013 on Monday. The list outs the most pesticide-contaminated produce. This year, apples topped the list, followed by celery and cherry tomatoes.  Although washing produce thoroughly can help reduce the pesticide residue, I would still recommend choosing organic, especially for top 10 to 20 fruits and vegetables on the list.

A Clean Fifteen™ list was also released. This list, which includes sweet potatoes, avocados and kiwis, contains produce that has the least amount of pesticide residue. So if you can not afford organic, consider eating the foods on the clean list more often.

EWG also offers two great tools for those who may find sticking to this list too expensive or limited, or even time consuming. The first is EWG’s Shoppers Guide to Pesticides in Produce 2013™ , which can be downloaded as a PDF or used as an app for your smart phone.

The second tool is Good Food on a Tight Budget, a site that offers tips on saving money on food, as well as tasty recipes!

Happy Eating!


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Five Reasons to Shop Local and Organic

Now is the time to support your farmers markets and take advantage of nature’s bounty. Here are some of the reasons why:

1. Saves gas. Produce isn’t being shipped all over the country (or world) to get to your grocery store. Most vendors are with 100 miles of the farmers markets that they attend. Therefore it also cuts down on pollution. The average distance our food travels is 1,500 miles, mostly by air and truck, increasing our dependence on petroleum. By buying locally, you conserve the energy that’s used for transport.

2. Less packaging. You will notice that your household garbage produced from food wrapping/boxes/containers will be greatly reduced.

3. Freshness and peak flavor. When you buy closer to home, it just plain tastes better and you feel a connection with the local organic farmers. Plus it’s more nutritious, since local produce is sold right after it’s picked.  Continue reading “Five Reasons to Shop Local and Organic”

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Teaching Kids How to Go Green and Save Money

The earlier in life you learn how to live a greener lifestyle, the better. Repetition turns actions into habits, so teaching kids how to save energy, conserve resources, and avoid creating waste will help them live more sustainably as they grow older and establish their own households.

To get started, here are 10 green tips you can teach your kids now to help them develop resource-saving – and money-saving – ways to live green.

1. Use paper on both sides. Have a readily available pile of paper that has been printed or written on one side only for use in making notes, drawing, and the like. Then when both sides are written on, recycle. Continue reading “Teaching Kids How to Go Green and Save Money”

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Radio Show on Sunday: The Unhealthy Truth About Our Food Supply: Interview with Robyn O’Brien

Join host Dana Laake and her special guest Robyn O’Brien, author of The Unhealthy Truth: How Our Food Is Making Us Sick and What We Can Do About It.

Robyn O’Brien is an author, researcher and mother of four who has leveraged her experience as a food industry analyst to expose how failed federal policy and exploitative financial incentives have accelerated the toxicity of the US food supply.

Robyn is the founder of AllergyKids Foundation, an organization designed to protect American children with allergies, autism, ADHD and asthma from chemicals in the food supply. She is a sought-after expert on children’s health policy.

Tune in this Sunday from 10-11am on 1500 AM (WFED) or listen live on the web. Our shows are streamed everywhere.

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Sunday Radio Show: Organic-Based Skin Care

Host Dana Laake and her special guest Melonie Semadeni of CamoCare Organics will be discussing natural, organic-based skin care products. She will discuss the impact that aging has on skin, ways to keep skin looking younger, the toxic chemicals found in most skin-care products and how to navigate around them, and CamoCare’s new, safe and natural skin-care line that incorporates cutting-edge, anti-aging science.

Tune in this Sunday from 10-11am on 1500 AM (WFED) or listen live on the web. Our shows are streamed everywhere.

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    Susan Levin
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    Dr. Rob Brown
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