Flossing Can Affect Fertility

New research out of the University of Western Australia links oral health to fertility. Flossing, brushing your teeth and seeing your dentist regularly are all important when trying to conceive. The study looked at 3500 women and found that poor oral health causes inflammation and can delay conception by about two months.

If your gums are pale or bleed when you brush you may already have gum disease. Aside from seeing your dentist, brushing and flossing, a mouth wash or rinse can also be very beneficial. Pathway GUM TONIC is an herbal formula that helps strengthen gum tissue with its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and astringent properties. Ingredients include goldenseal root, bayberry root bark, prickly ash, myrrh gum, and coptis root. Mix 1 dropperful in a small amount of water and rinse. Not only is this formula great for gums, but it is also helpful for painful canker sores too.


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Body pH and Your Health

If you’re like most people reading this article, you’ve probably never thought about the pH (relative acidity or alkalinity) of a substance since you took chem 101 in high school.

And why would you? Generally pH is not something that comes up in casual conversation… unless you’re hanging out with other nutrition enthusiasts, in which case it’s a favorite topic!

It turns out that our bodies are designed to function within a very narrow pH range. In fact, a slightly alkaline pH (just above 7.0) is considered optimal for health. Believe it or not, just the simple process of bringing your blood to a higher (more alkaline) pH can actually correct for a large number of health conditions, including skin issues, heartburn, inflammation, arthritis, poor circulation, digestive complaints, fatigue, a weak immune system… the list goes on and on.

A proper pH of our fluids and tissues can mean the difference between happy, healthy cells, and cells that are constantly swimming in a too-acidic bath. Now I’m not talking about the pH of the stomach. That needs to be acidic to digest our food. That’s a separate topic. It is the pH of your blood that can dramatically impact your health status.

So, you might be wondering which foods help to create a more alkaline blood pH and which foods create a more acidic pH? Continue reading “Body pH and Your Health”

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Lycopene’s Health Benefits

Recent studies suggest that a diet rich in tomato products (one of the best sources of lycopene) is strongly linked to a healthy immune system, as well as prostate health. Lycopene, the compound that gives tomatoes their red color, may also benefit heart health in men by boosting the body’s natural antioxidant defenses and protecting against DNA damage, according to a new study.

Participants of the study who took 15mg of lycopene per day had a reduction in systolic blood pressure and a decrease in levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP). CRP is a marker of inflammation in the body and is reported to be an independent predictor of cardiovascular-related events.

Aside from supplements, food sources of lycopene include tomatoes (highest in cooked tomato products like tomato sauce), red carrots, pink grapefruit, red oranges, papaya, and watermelon. More recently, orange heirloom  “tangerine tomatoes” have shown to even have higher concentrations of lycopene than red tomatoes.

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It’s Allergy Season – What Can You Do Naturally?

Naturopath Dr. Todd Ferguson offers suggestions to support your immune system so you can deal with allergies more effectively. Listen for quercetin and nettles, ingredients in Allergy Support Plus, that can help relieve allergy symptoms. He also mentions that food allergies can trigger seasonal allergies. The key seems to be to decrease inflammation, something that has been mentioned in previous blogs.

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Mangosteen Reduces Inflammation

In a recent randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study, 2 cups of mangosteen juice a day was found to reduce c-reactive protein (CRP) levels in the blood. CRP is a protein made by the body which indicates inflammation and is a marker for some diseases, like heart disease and lupus. Mangosteen has been touted recently as a super fruit because of its immune enhancing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

It is also delicious. It is available in powder was well ready to drink liquid. You may want to think about reaching for a glass of mangosteen tomorrow morning instead of  the old OJ.

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    Paula Gallagher
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May 2024