Back-to-School Shopping? Power Up With the Healthy Basics

back-to-school-foodWhether you’re stocking up on school supplies or hosting a Labor Day party, make sure to add brightly-hued, plant-based foods to your family’s back-to-school shopping list.

A diet packed with vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes provides our bodies with a steady supply of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. This makes it easy to power through almost anything, whether it’s running a company, directing a car pool, or helping your child study for his or her next algebra test.

Not sure where to start? Try one or all of these seasonal staples: Continue reading “Back-to-School Shopping? Power Up With the Healthy Basics”

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3 Reasons to Give Your Kids Probiotics

healthy-kidProbiotics are a great way to help even the healthiest kids. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that have a wide array of benefits. Found in fermented foods like yogurts or kefir, or in a nutritional supplement such as Pathway Kids’ Acidophilus, here are just a few reasons why you may want to consider giving your kids probiotics.

1. Probiotics can help counteract side effects of antibiotics. Although there are cases when antibiotics are a necessary and very helpful medication, antibiotics are becoming less frequently prescribed for children. Unfortunately children sometimes develop diarrhea when they take antibiotics, as the healthy bacteria in the gut become collateral damage in the antibiotic’s fight against disease-causing bacteria. Probiotics, particularity Saccharomyces boulardii, can help reduce the risk of this type of diarrhea. Continue reading “3 Reasons to Give Your Kids Probiotics”

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Healthy School Lunches

school-lunchWe all want healthy meals for our children – but in a busy world, achieving this is sometimes easier said than done. Many of us reach for those pre-made lunch kits found in every grocery store, and while convenient, these kits are often not healthy choices. One popular lunch kit has a whopping 1,940 mg of sodium, well above the daily maximum recommended for young children (1,200 mg). With only one gram of fiber, this meal won’t go far toward meeting many of your children’s dietary needs, or even give them the energy they need for a long school day.

Here are some tips to make healthy school lunches convenient without resorting to prepackaged options.

Prepare and organize school lunches on Sunday for the entire week.

Ask your children to help out – let them choose favorite fruits, veggies, and sandwich ingredients. Assign them the role of assistant chef. Continue reading “Healthy School Lunches”

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Children’s Series: A Holistic Approach to Autism

autismAutism is a developmental disorder that involves abnormal development and function of the brain. Children and adults with autism show poor social communication skills and a difficulty in relating to others. Often, they demonstrate repetitive patterns of behaviors or interests. Taking a holistic approach to autism can help.

Autism symptoms usually start before a child is 3 years old. Usually, parents first notice that their toddler has not started talking yet and is not interacting like other children the same age. But it is not unusual for a child to start to talk at the same time as other children the same age, then lose his or her language skills.

Autism is believed to be genetic, but environmental factors are also thought to play a role.

Today, one out of every 100 children is affected with autism or a related disorder. Thus, it is more prevalent than breast cancer or childhood diabetes. The recurrence rate for having a second child with autism if one already exists within a family is thought to be 15-20%.

Symptoms of autism may include: Continue reading “Children’s Series: A Holistic Approach to Autism”

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Children’s Series: Allergies

allergiesAllergies can be annoying, to say the least. But in some cases, they can also be debilitating and even deadly. And even more so in children.

Allergies are hypersensitivity reactions to normally harmless substances. In allergic rhinitis, the immune system releases histamines and other chemicals to fight the “allergen.” As a result, swelling (inflammation) and congestion of the nasal passages and increased mucus production occurs. Allergies can cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, but commonly children experience stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, itchy skin and eyes. Allergies can be seasonal or chronic, depending on the allergen. And the allergen can be anything from peanuts to mold to feathers. As children age, they can “outgrow” their allergies as their immune system matures.

Here are five tips help with decreasing symptoms associated with allergies.

1. Supplement. Nutrients such as bioflavonoids, calcium, magnesium, carotenoids, essential fatty acids, selenium, B vitamins, and vitamin C work to help with inflammation, reduce allergic symptoms, soothe irritated mucous membranes, and support immune function. Click here to see what supplements can be beneficial for your child. Don’t forget to consult with an expert to see what is best. Continue reading “Children’s Series: Allergies”

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  • Paula Gallagher
    Paula Gallagher
    Paula is a highly qualified and experienced nutrition counselor on the staff at Village Green.
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    Margo Gladding
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    Dr. Neal Barnard
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    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno
    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, ND is a pioneer of integrative medicine and a leading authority on science-based natural medicine.
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    Debi Silber
    Debi is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition, a personal trainer, and whole health coach.
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    Teri Cochrane
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    Dr. Rav Ivker
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    Susan Levin
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    Dr. Rob Brown
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May 2024