Stress and the Impact on Your Skin

Someone recently asked this question: “I’m under a tremendous amount of stress and I noticed changes in my skin. Is there any connection?” The answer is a big, fat yes. One reason your skin changes when stressed is due to the over-secretion of the stress hormone cortisol. When over-secreted, it will look to replenish itself by borrowing components from our estrogen stores. Estrogen keeps us youthful so when stores become depleted, we age faster. (You know how someone “looks like they’ve had a hard life?” That’s the physical effects of over-secreted stress hormones.)

Another reason stress impacts your skin is because stress deteriorates the skin’s natural ability to protect against invasion. Pollution and toxins are harsh on the skin and alter the way the skin repairs and regenerates itself. This shows in tone and texture. Stress also decreases the elasticity of the skin, creating a more aged look. And, increased cortisol can prevent skin regeneration by slowing the rate of cell turnover, leaving skin dull. Continue reading “Stress and the Impact on Your Skin”

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