Every once in a while, I go through my supply of nutritional supplements, over the counter (OTC) drugs and hand and body items and start checking dates and organizing them. This is the perfect time to do that. Start by flipping over all those bottles and checking the dates. You know what to do if the day has passed. If you find that you continue to throw out the same product over and over again, it may be time to re-prioritize your nutritional needs. For example, you keep buying the 6 per day multivitamin, but you never take it because it seems overwhelming… switch to a 1 per day or a 2 per day multivitamin.
Here are some tips to make the most of your nutritional products and OTC :
1. Store these items in a cool place. The bathroom is not a great place. The constant heat from showers/bath can affect the effectiveness of your products.
2. Check the dates before you buy. If you buy a 3 month supply of Omega 3s, then make sure the date will last you through that.
3. Read and follow the instructions on the labels. If the product tells you to keep it refrigerated, then make sure you do that.
4. If you have purchased supplements and can’t remember why you wanted them or needed them, contact a nutrition expert or pharmacist to help you sort them out.
5. Same goes for prescription drugs. Talk to a pharmacist if you have OTCs or prescriptions that you aren’t sure you should keep or throw out
I hope that you have find some time to clean out that cabinet and simplify your needs. And remember – we are here to help you. Happy organizing!
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