Vitamin D and the Sunnier Months – Should I Continue to Supplement?

Spring is here! The shift into longer days and more sun has begun, and you may have begun going through your closets, pulling out those short-sleeve shirts, shorts, and other lighter spring/summer gear. You may have also been inspired recently (especially this past week!) to get outside and enjoy the spring breezes, warm air, and sunshine. Remember that in these next few months, as the sun gets higher in the sky, you will have more of an opportunity to produce Vitamin D in your body, as the stronger UV rays in summer naturally trigger the body to produce more Vitamin D.

You may be wondering at this point if you need to stay on that Vitamin D supplement you so religiously took over the winter to help build your immunity and reduce colds/flu. This is a great question!

While you’d think that you can get enough sun in the summer months to make adequate amounts of Vitamin D, unfortunately that may not be the case. Continue reading “Vitamin D and the Sunnier Months – Should I Continue to Supplement?”

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Going for Green Tea

I am a coffee lover. I love the smell of it brewing in the coffee pot in the morning, I love the way it tastes and the way it perks me up in the morning (pun intended).  However, I am a three cup (at least) coffee drinker per day, and I know the beating it takes on my adrenal glands, and waistline ( I add sugar and cream to it) … and I know this isn’t good.

So, starting today, I am going to go cold turkey and switch to green tea (I drink it black).  The reason I chose green tea is not only because of its health benefits, but because it is also contains caffeine, although only about a quarter of what is found in a cup of coffee. I do need a little caffeine in the morning. According to the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database compiled by the Editors of Pharmcist’s Letter, green tea may possibly be effective for mental alertness, bladder cancer, esophogeal cancer, pancreatic cancer, cervical dysplasia, cholesterol, hyoptension, ovarian cancer, Parkinson’s  and weight loss, just to name a few.
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Where Do You Keep Your Supplements?

Although the bathroom or the kitchen may be the most conveniant place to keep your supplements and medications, a new study by Purdue University has shown that high humidity degrades the vitamins and health supplements stored in those rooms, even if the lids are on tight.

Lisa Mauer, a Purdue associate professor of food science, has shown that subjecting certain products, such as vitamin C, to humidity can chemically change their compositions, eliminating the health benefits associated with those products. She also says that crystalline substances – including vitamin C, some vitamin B forms and other dietary supplements – are prone to a process called deliquescence, in which humidity causes a water-soluble solid to dissolve.

Keeping those supplements away from warm, humid environments can help ensure their effectiveness.  So where should you store vitamins? Try a drawer in your bedroom or on your dresser as an alternative.  And if you have children, make sure that they are out of reach of their curious hands.

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Vitamin D and Your Health: Why you want to pay attention to this vital nutrient

The headline article in my recent edition of Ellen’s Healthy Bites, an email newsletter I send out once per month that is full of the most relevant health/nutrition topic of the day, was “Vitamin D: A Public Service Announcement”. I felt so strongly that it was imperative to educate my readership about the important issue of Vitamin D deficiency, that it should be a Public Service Announcement (PSA).

The PSA is simple. It reads:

***Schedule an appointment with your doctor. Ask to get your Vitamin D levels tested. Do the same for your children, your elderly parents, and anyone else you care about. ***

Why is Vitamin D Deficiency such a big deal?

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Mangosteen Reduces Inflammation

In a recent randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study, 2 cups of mangosteen juice a day was found to reduce c-reactive protein (CRP) levels in the blood. CRP is a protein made by the body which indicates inflammation and is a marker for some diseases, like heart disease and lupus. Mangosteen has been touted recently as a super fruit because of its immune enhancing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

It is also delicious. It is available in powder was well ready to drink liquid. You may want to think about reaching for a glass of mangosteen tomorrow morning instead of  the old OJ.

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  • Paula Gallagher
    Paula Gallagher
    Paula is a highly qualified and experienced nutrition counselor on the staff at Village Green.
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    Margo Gladding
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    Dr. Neal Barnard
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    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno
    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, ND is a pioneer of integrative medicine and a leading authority on science-based natural medicine.
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    Debi Silber
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    Teri Cochrane
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    Dr. Rav Ivker
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    Susan Levin
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    Dr. Rob Brown
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March 2025