Natural Support for PMS

PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is the name of a group of physical, emotional and psychological symptoms that occur in the last 2 weeks of the menstrual cycle, just before menses. Affecting four out of ten women, PMS symptoms can impact the quality of your life and the ability to do normal activities. While it is normal to have minor discomfort before your period, severe PMS symptoms such as anxiety, moodiness, irritability, pain, bloating, acne, and headaches may be alerting you to some internal imbalances. While it is not known what causes PMS, it is likely that changing hormone levels and brain chemistry play a role. Diet, activity level, and stress may also be related to the severity of symptoms. Giving your body the right nutrients can help to manage your PMS.

Evening primrose oil provides an excellent source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA helps to promote the production of anti-inflammatory chemicals in the body and may be helpful for the discomfort of PMS, joint pain and swelling, along with various skin conditions.

Magnesium plays a crucial role in energy production. Unfortunately, diuretics, alcohol consumption, high stress levels, and unbalanced diets can result in a magnesium deficiency. Continue reading “Natural Support for PMS”

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What To Do After Gallbladder Removal

If you are one of millions of Americans who have had their gallbladder removed, then you are probably experiencing some unpleasant side effects when you eat certain foods. Fats in particular become very difficult to digest. In the past, the solution has been to avoid fats altogether. The problem with that is that fats are important, and without them skin issues, vision and eye problems, fatty tumors, bruising, and many other problems occur.

The gallbladder plays a key role in digestion of fats. Here’s how: bile acids are produced from cholesterol in your liver and then flow into your gallbladder, where they are stored until any fat you have eaten moves into the small intestine. The gallbladder then releases the bile to emulsify the fat – making it easier to absorb. However, if your gallbladder is removed, there is no storage place for bile, and so there may not be enough bile when needed. The failure of your body to release bile when needed decreases your body’s ability to properly digest fat and eventually leads to defiencies in fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids, as well as some of issues listed above.

To avoid these issues, it is important to supplement with bile salts. Bile salts, when taken with meals, will aid in digestion and assimilation of fats, and take some pressure off the liver.  Continue reading “What To Do After Gallbladder Removal”

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Relief for Shingles Sufferers

Shingles is a painful viral infection of the sensory nerves that is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox (varicella zoster). After having chicken pox, the virus remains dormant in the spinal cord until it is triggered by stress or an immune insult. Shingles tends to appear most frequently in adults over the age of 60 and is characterized by painful blisters over the skin where the nerve is located. The blisters can last for 1 to 2 weeks, but the pain can stick around for many months.

Here are some suggestions for shingles relief:

Pathway Herp-Ease – this liquid herbal formula is designed to enhance immune function. Ingredients include neem, licorice, St. Johns wort, and turmeric for a powerful anti-viral and anti-inflammatory blend. Take 60 drops three times daily.

Gaia Herbs: Skullcap/St. John’s Wort Supreme – liquid blend of oats, skullcap, St. Johns wort, valerian, calendula, chamomile, and California poppy to support nerve health, as well as provide relaxation support. Take 60 drops three times daily.

Pathway Synergy C (1000 mg tablets) – blend of vitamin C, quercetin and turmeric. This powerful combination supports immune activity. Take 2 tablets twice daily (total of 4 grams a day). Continue reading “Relief for Shingles Sufferers”

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Amazing Broken Wrist Recovery

When I heard the news that a coworker had fallen and badly broken both of her wrists, I was really concerned. My initial thoughts for this avid gardener, photographer, writer, musician, and petter of three beautiful cats, was wow, it is going to be a very long recovery and an even longer time until she can enjoy doing her favorite things with her hands again. I so happy to be proven wrong! Despite needing surgery (a week after her fall) and occupational therapy (starting a week after surgery), the speed at which she recovered still amazes me. Her doctors were also truly blown away by the speed and quality of her bone healing and wrist mobility. When asked about her success, she attributes it to her good health leading up to the fall, as well as an excellent diet, solid supplement program, and strong commitment to her OT exercises.

I want to share with you her supplement protocol in case you or someone you know suffers from a fall and breaks a bone. We put our heads together at Village Green to come up with a program that would include the best supplements to support bone healing and collagen repair, and she did some of her own research as well. Her protocol included the following:

  • A comprehensive bone-building formula (highly absorbable forms of calcium, magnesium, and other vitamins and minerals), as well as extra vitamin K2 and vitamin D3
  • Omega-3 fatty acids, turmeric, and proteolytic enzymes to address swelling and inflammation trans Continue reading “Amazing Broken Wrist Recovery”
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Natural Congestion Relief

Now that we have entered cold and flu season, I often get asked what one can do to help loosen chest congestion and relieve coughs. Two of my favorite herbal products that are best taken together are Pathway Congest-Eeze and Pathway Ginger Zinger Cough Syrup. I recommend taking them at the first sign of chest discomfort. Herbs such as echinacea, garlic, thyme, licorice, wild cherry bark, ginger, and oregano oil all work in combination to support upper respiratory health and immunity.

In addition, I also highly recommend doing steam inhalations. The combination of steam and essential oils provides decongesting and antiseptic support for the respiratory passages. Inhalations also direct warm, moist air to the nose, sinuses, throat, and lungs and can help to thin and loosen infected mucus, which is very soothing to dry and irritated mucus membranes. Steam inhalations are great for both kids and adults.

Doing a steam inhalation is easy. Some people prefer using a portable device, such as the Sinus Survival Steam Inhaler. Or, you can also make a steam inhalation by heating a large pot of water until it steams. Then, carefully pour the hot water into a bowl and add 3-5 drops of an essential oil such as peppermint, tea tree, pine, rosemary, or eucalyptus. Place your head about 12 inches above the bowl and cover your head with a towel in such a way that the sides are totally closed and you form a tent over the bowl. Keep your eyes shut and breathe in deeply for about 5-10 minutes.

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Our Bloggers

  • Paula Gallagher
    Paula Gallagher
    Paula is a highly qualified and experienced nutrition counselor on the staff at Village Green.
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  • Margo Gladding
    Margo Gladding
    Margo's impressive knowledge base is the result of a unique blend of educational and professional experience.
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  • Dr. Neal Barnard
    Dr. Neal Barnard
    Dr. Barnard leads programs advocating for preventive medicine, good nutrition, and higher ethical standards in research.
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  • Joseph Pizzorno
    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno
    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, ND is a pioneer of integrative medicine and a leading authority on science-based natural medicine.
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  • Debi Silber
    Debi Silber
    Debi is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition, a personal trainer, and whole health coach.
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    Teri Cochrane
    Teri is a is a Certified Coach Practitioner with extensive certifications and experience in holistic medicinal practices.
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    Dr. Rav Ivker
    Dr. Rav Ivker is a holistic family physician, health educator, and best-selling author.
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  • Susan Levin
    Susan Levin
    Susan writes about the connection between plant-based diets and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.
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    Dr. Rob Brown
    Dr. Brown's blended perspective of healthcare includes a deeply rooted passion for wellness and spiritual exploration.
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March 2025