PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is the name of a group of physical, emotional and psychological symptoms that occur in the last 2 weeks of the menstrual cycle, just before menses. Affecting four out of ten women, PMS symptoms can impact the quality of your life and the ability to do normal activities. While it is normal to have minor discomfort before your period, severe PMS symptoms such as anxiety, moodiness, irritability, pain, bloating, acne, and headaches may be alerting you to some internal imbalances. While it is not known what causes PMS, it is likely that changing hormone levels and brain chemistry play a role. Diet, activity level, and stress may also be related to the severity of symptoms. Giving your body the right nutrients can help to manage your PMS.
Evening primrose oil provides an excellent source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA helps to promote the production of anti-inflammatory chemicals in the body and may be helpful for the discomfort of PMS, joint pain and swelling, along with various skin conditions.
Magnesium plays a crucial role in energy production. Unfortunately, diuretics, alcohol consumption, high stress levels, and unbalanced diets can result in a magnesium deficiency. Continue reading “Natural Support for PMS”
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