From puberty to menopause, symptoms such as mood swings, bloating, headaches, hot flashes, and insomnia are indicators of hormone imbalance. Often the underlying cause is estrogen dominance. This occurs when there is too much estrogen or not enough progesterone to balance its effects. Estrogen dominance is caused by exposure to potent, environmental estrogens (xenoestrogens), found in plastics, pesticides, cleaners, detergents, beauty care products, meat and dairy products, stress, anovulation, poor diet, obesity, microbial imbalances, as well as synthetic hormones from birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy.
Foreign estrogens are much more potent than the estrogen made by the ovaries. Artificial estrogens activate receptors to stimulate a hormonal effect or occupy the receptor and block natural estrogens from doing their job, thereby disrupting normal endocrine function. Xenoestrogens can accumulate over time, are absorbed through the skin, are difficult to detoxify, and are stored in fat. While endogenous estrogens are biologically active only during the years of sexual maturity, have a life expectancy measured in days, and fluctuate month to month, xenoestrogen exposure starts with fetal development and can be around for decades.
Here are 5 tips for reducing estrogen dominance: Continue reading “5 Tips for Reducing Estrogen Dominance”
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