Personally, this could easily be a meal on-the-go. I have been trying to get my kids to eat avocados and they refuse, and then a friend told me to puree it with milk and cocoa powder. Not only was it a hit, my kids thought they were having a chocolate milkshake! I sneaked in some spinach, too. The dates add some sweetness naturally.
Avocados are high in monounsaturated fatty acids, which is great for heart health. They also contain healthy fatty acids. Moreover, avocados deliver a healthy dose of fiber, antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, an array of B vitamins, and a range of minerals, including potassium and magnesium.
Many people have a hard time choosing a ripe avocado. To check for ripeness all you have to do is gently press your thumb into the top of the avocado; it should give a little under the pressure. Unripe avocados are bright green, turning a deep purple-green when ripe. Continue reading “Dessert Tonight: Chocolate Green Smoothie”
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