Grilled Fruit for the 4th of July

grilled-waterelonNothing says summer like firing up the grill on the 4th of July. But grilling isn’t just for meat, veggies and tofu. Grilled fruits are great! High heat from the barbecue caramelizes fruits’ natural sugars, making them melt-in-your-mouth juicy. Here are 10 fruit options that will make you put the steaks away!

Greek watermelon: Slice into triangles and remove seeds. Brush fruit with olive oil. Barbecue both sides until grill marks form. Sprinkle with crumbled feta and chopped Kalamata olives.

Smoky Southwestern avocado: Halve and pit an avocado. Continue reading “Grilled Fruit for the 4th of July”

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Lunch Today: Beet Salad

beetsFor some, beets are an acquired taste. Or in the case of my children, hidden in recipes like this pink pancake or in this delicious beet dip. But this recipe is not about hiding the beet, it’s about showcasing it and all its wonderful nutritional properties.

Beets contain the powerful antioxidant betacyanin, which several studies have shown helps both to fight and prevent various types of cancer, especially colon cancer. Beets are also an excellent remedy for constipation, act as a cleanse for the liver, and provide overall support for kidney, gallbladder, stomach, and intestinal problems. Continue reading “Lunch Today: Beet Salad”

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Dinner Tonight: Salmon and Spring Vegetables

salmon_aIf you want a meal to meal impress, this is it. This salmon dish looks like you worked tirelessly in the kitchen preparing it, but in reality you can have it ready in under 30 minutes, which makes it also a great choice for a weekday meal when you need something quick. Wild salmon is full of omega-3 fatty acids (essential to good health, as well as having powerful anti-inflammatory properties) and protein.

Ocean conservation organizations like Seafood Watch and the Environmental Defense Fund recommend wild salmon from British Columbia as a sustainable option, Continue reading “Dinner Tonight: Salmon and Spring Vegetables”

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Lunch Today: Green Power Salad

salad-in-a-jarPacking a lunch for school-aged children can be challenging, but I find it almost as challenging to pack a lunch for myself. As an adult, it sometimes seems easier to grab a sandwich, soup or salad from the deli counter in the building, than it is to take some time and brown bag it… or in this case, Mason jar it.

The problem with eating out is that you can’t control the fat, sodium and all the additional preservatives take-out food may have. Take some time in the evening to prepare a healthy salad that is packed full of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals and you will have a salad that will power you through the rest of the following day. Continue reading “Lunch Today: Green Power Salad”

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Dinner Tonight: Portobello Mushroom Burger

portobello-mushroom-burgerIt finally feels like spring, which means barbecue season is upon us. Instead of throwing steaks, burgers and wings on your grill, try a portobello mushroom instead. Portobellos are big mushrooms that have a meaty quality, which makes them a great substitute for a beef patty. These vegan burgers are a great way to introduce a meatless dish to someone who loves their beef, but wants a healthier and more vegetarian lifestyle.

In addition to being delicious, mushrooms are highly nutritious fungi that offer health-promoting nutrients and potent, free radical-fighting antioxidants. Continue reading “Dinner Tonight: Portobello Mushroom Burger”

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    Paula Gallagher
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    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno
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    Debi Silber
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    Susan Levin
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    Dr. Rob Brown
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March 2025