Solving the World’s Energy Problem – Part 2

In “Solving the World’s Energy Problem, Part 1,” I have argued that fossil fuels are essentially fossilized energy from the sun. Since fossil fuels take millions of years to create and their supply is finite, at some future time our fossil fuels resources will be exhausted (or the limited supply of fossil fuel that remains will become so hard to find and so expensive to recover that its use will become prohibitively costly). I further proposed that biofuels are a suitable substitute for fossil fuels, but our ability to produce biofuels will never be sufficient to replace the enormous amount of fossil fuels that the world is consuming.

Therefore, the world will need alternative renewable energy technologies. Without prejudging exactly what those new energy technologies will be, I believe the best types of alternative energy technologies will be those that allow us to capture and use more energy from the sun. In this way the world would have a sustainable energy supply for as long as the sun is shining.

What might some of those renewable energy technologies be? Based on what can be envisioned now, I can think of three technologies that are nearing the stage where wide commercialization will be possible, and a fourth technology that, with appropriate scientific advances, offers potential in the next decade.

The first is capturing and concentrating sunlight to produce energy in the form of heat. A large project has already been proposed for the California desert to produce electricity by concentrating sunlight using mirrors to heat water to produce steam, which can turn turbines to produce electricity. Continue reading “Solving the World’s Energy Problem – Part 2”

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Solving the World’s Energy Problem – Part 1

This is the first entry in a 3-part series called, “Solving the World’s Energy Problem.”

The world has an energy problem. This energy problem began developing the moment that man invented fire. At first it developed very slowly, imperceptibly, when there were very few people in the world and humans were relatively uncivilized. At that time, much of the energy expended by humans was energy spent on activities for survival.

Times changed, and humans grew in numbers and in technological prowess. Eventually, mankind learned how to burn fossil fuels – coal, natural gas, and petroleum – to produce energy in ever-increasing amounts. These fossil fuels were plentiful and could be extracted from the ground cheaply. To this day, civilization on earth runs largely on the burning of fossil fuels.

It is useful to put into perspective how these fossil fuels came about. Coal, gas, and petroleum are all the result of long-dead plants and animals that were converted during millennia into the deposits of fossil fuels that remained buried under the ground until mankind discovered them.

So here is the all-important question. What was the source of the energy that produced these fossil fuels?

It was the sun. Continue reading “Solving the World’s Energy Problem – Part 1”

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Going Green and Earning Money: An Easy and Safe Green Investment That Will Earn 10 Times Your Money

Investing in going green can earn you money if you make the right investments. And when times are tough, as they are now, and when interest rates on your savings are less than 1%, most people are happy for even mid-single-digit percentage returns. But I know a green investment that can do much better and it carries with it almost no chance of loss.

I am going to tell you how you can make an easy, practically risk-free investment that will earn 10 times your money. This is not a tip for a hot stock, and it is not risky or shady in the slightest. In fact, this tip is as close to 100% certain to earn you money as anything I know of. And this is an investment that is completely under your control. You will not pay brokerage fees or commissions to anyone (okay, you will have to pay some sales tax). Here it is: Buy compact fluorescent lights.

As a green home improvement and an investment in yourself, compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) are nearly a sure thing. CFLs use only one-quarter as much electricity as a comparable incandescent light. Another benefit is their longevity. CFLs last about 10 times longer than the older, standard light bulbs. As technology has improved and volumes of production have gone up, you can now buy a CFL bulb for about the same price as a standard incandescent light bulb. And CFLs generate less heat than incandescent lights, so using them will reduce your cooling costs in the summer. Even better is that some newer versions of CFLs now work with dimmer switches. Continue reading “Going Green and Earning Money: An Easy and Safe Green Investment That Will Earn 10 Times Your Money”

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My Experience With Solar Panels

After making sure that the attic was well insulated, that windows were caulked and drafts were blocked, and getting my family to pay attention to how the thermostat was set, I was ready to try a bigger, and consequently more expensive, experiment.

I decided to install solar panels on my home.

Was it worth it? Well, here are the results.

My home is fairly large, a little over 4,000 square feet (we have a big family that needs quite a bit of space), so the photovoltaic solar panel array that we installed was commensurately large. Where I live, our electricity usage is charged in three tiers. The lowest tier covers what is considered a small baseline usage, the first 250 kilowatt hours in a given month. The second tier comprises the next 500 kilowatt hours, and the third and priciest tier is everything over tiers one and two. The solar panel array was sized to target and largely eliminate the third tier in the summer months when the air conditioning would be running the most. In months in which the solar panels generated more electricity than we used, we got a credit for the power we sent back to the grid, effectively selling that power back to the utility. I admit, I really enjoyed those days when I could go out and see my electric meter spinning backwards. Continue reading “My Experience With Solar Panels”

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Village Green Offers Environmentally Safe Way to Dispose of Drugs

Flushing or trashing pharmaceutical products can be harmful to area water supplies (including the Chesapeake Bay, for those of us in the DC area).

Village Green Apothecary is now providing a safe, environmentally savvy way to dispose of unwanted and expired drugs. When consumers bring them into the pharmacy located at 5415 W. Cedar Lane in Bethesda, the drugs will be properly disposed of using the TakeAway Environmental Return System. Over-the-counter and prescription medications qualify, excepting controlled substances.

“It’s a very easy process,” says Marc Isaacson, president and owner of Village Green. “There’s a simple donation form that you can download from our website, or you can complete it in our store. Your privacy is absolutely ensured, and we ship items received directly to the facility that destroys the medications.”

The TakeAway program employs a waste-to-energy process, ensuring that the energy used to incinerate the drugs is harnessed as electricity. Around 200 million pounds of unused drugs are generated by Americans each year, according to the National Community Pharmacists Association.

“This is a safe, environmentally sensitive way to make sure that the drugs don’t end up trickling through our ecosystem into the Chesapeake Bay, or even into our drinking water,” Isaacson adds. ” Continue reading “Village Green Offers Environmentally Safe Way to Dispose of Drugs”

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  • Paula Gallagher
    Paula Gallagher
    Paula is a highly qualified and experienced nutrition counselor on the staff at Village Green.
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    Margo Gladding
    Margo's impressive knowledge base is the result of a unique blend of educational and professional experience.
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    Dr. Neal Barnard
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    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno
    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, ND is a pioneer of integrative medicine and a leading authority on science-based natural medicine.
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    Debi Silber
    Debi is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition, a personal trainer, and whole health coach.
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    Teri Cochrane
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    Dr. Rav Ivker
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    Susan Levin
    Susan writes about the connection between plant-based diets and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.
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    Dr. Rob Brown
    Dr. Brown's blended perspective of healthcare includes a deeply rooted passion for wellness and spiritual exploration.
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February 2025