Green living is being embraced by increasing numbers of people. Saving energy at home, using less gasoline, conserving fresh water and recycling paper, plastic and glass products all contribute to a greener lifestyle and a lower carbon footprint. But there is another reason for going green: green living is healthy.
Here are five tips for living a green and healthy lifestyle.
1. Walk (or run) up the stairs rather than taking the elevator. Elevators require energy moving people up and down in buildings. Unless you need to go to the 68th floor, consider taking the stairs rather than the elevator. Walking or running up stairs is an easy step you can take to include some aerobic exercise in your routine every day. The benefit to you will be a healthier heart and help in losing weight, if that is one of your objectives.
2. Start a garden at home. In addition to some exercise, gardening benefits health by allowing you to make sure that your homegrown fruit and vegetables are chemical and toxin free. Continue reading “Five Tips for Being Green and Healthy”
Read MoreThe study, published Monday in the journal Pediatrics, looked at 1,239 girls aged 6 to 8. At age 7, 15% had started developing breasts; by age 8, that number had increased to 27%. This is a big increase from a similar study done in 1997.
Apparently, girls who were overweight or obese were more likely to to grow breasts earlier, and the authors hypothesize that’s because body fat can produce sex hormones. One of the reasons for concern is that the earlier a girl hits puberty, the higher her risk of breast cancer.
We are becoming an increasingly sedentary world and this study shows the potential outcome of such a lifestyle. As parents, we should be role models for our children and lead by example. Plan activities as a family. Hiking, bike riding and swimming are activities everyone can enjoy. Limit television, computer and video games to less than 1 hour per day. As for snacks, offer carrots, nuts and yogurt instead of chips, candy and soda. Continue reading “Obesity Linked to Early Onset Puberty in Girls”
Read MoreTake a look at this video by Village Green blogger, Debi Silber the Mojo Coach. She talks about the differences of fat and muscle and the roles they play in weight loss. As a woman, I love that she encourages being strong instead of just losing weight. Did you know that one pound of fat looked like that? I think I am ready for some weight training!
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