Establishing strong bones should start young. Did you know that 90% of peak bone mass is reached by the age of 18 in girls and 20 in boys? So it would make sense that we do the most we can to increase bone density in our younger years, as opposed to just trying to prevent it when we are older.
Bone is living tissue that changes constantly, with bits of old bone being removed and replaced by new bone. At about the age of 30, the amount of bone being made starts to decrease, increasing the risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis.
There are many factors that affect peak bone mass. Some like gender and race cannot be changed. However, there are three factors that you can do something about.
1. Diet/Nutrition: Maintaining a healthy diet that combines calcium-rich foods is important to building and maintaining bone density. Dairy (organic is best), dark leafy greens, almonds and salmon are rich calcium sources and should be incorporated into your diet to achieve the recommended 1000mg of calcium per day. If you have a hard time achieving that with food, supplementing with a calcium product like Pathway Bone Guardian is an important factor to consider. Continue reading “3 Steps to Bone Health”
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