Putting Out the Fire on Hot Flashes & Other Menopausal Miseries

hormone fixThis is a guest blog by Dr. Anna Cabeca, who will be a guest on our radio show, Essentials for Healthy Living, on Sunday, March 10.

Hot flashes can hit at the most inconvenient times. While you’re having a business meeting with an important client. Maybe you’re out with friends, having a great time. Perhaps while you’re in bed with your partner during an intimate experience. With absolutely no warning, your face flushes. Your heart rate accelerates. Your body feels like a steam vent. Perspiration washes all over you. Hot flashes are like an unwelcome guest – often ill-timed, uncomfortable and you can’t wait for them to leave. Continue reading “Putting Out the Fire on Hot Flashes & Other Menopausal Miseries”

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February 2019