Homeopathy for Boo-Boos!

As I have written before, the homeopathic remedy arnica montana is a staple in our house, and even more-so now that my son is 2 and fearless, which results in many bumps and bruises. But there are other homeopathic remedies that can be beneficial for an injury. Keep in mind that conventional treatment for injuries, like ice, compression and elevation, x-rays and castings are important, and in no way does homeopathy take the place of these treatments. What homeopathy does is add to the level of treatment. Here is a quick guide to some homeopathic remedies to help with injuries.

Hypericum:  This is homeopathic St. John’s Wort and is used for nerve injuries. Think cuts to the fingertips or lips, areas that are rich in nerve endings. Even injuries to the spinal cord can benefit from hypericum.

Ledum:  This one is great for puncture wounds. For example, if you stepped on a nail then you would want to take ledum (you may also need a tetanus shot!). Continue reading “Homeopathy for Boo-Boos!”

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Benefits of the Virtual Office: Dramatically Lower Energy Consumption & Carbon Emissions

An estimate of the savings and environmental benefits of working from home or using a home office part-time was profiled in the April edition of Inc. Magazine. The study estimated the effects on energy consumption and carbon emissions if everyone who could work from home-about 40% of the work force-did so half of the time.

  • 100 hours per person not spent commuting
  • 50 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions cut
  • 276 million barrels of oil not needed (about 32% of Middle eastern oil imports)
  • 1,500 lives saved from auto accidents
  • $700 billion in total estimated savings to business, including $200 billion in productivity gains and $190 billion in reduced real estate expenses, utility bills, absenteeism, and employee turnover

Add to those benefits three more: less stress, better health, and more time for family.

For more tips and information on living a greener lifestyle, check out my website.

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April 2024