Natural Ways to Fight Constipation

bathroomWhile it may not be the most comfortable subject to talk about, it is one that almost everyone is familiar with. It is estimated that one quarter of Americans have been affected by constipation. In fact, constipation is the most common digestive complaint in the United States, outnumbering all other chronic digestive conditions.

So what constitutes constipation? Well, constipation can mean different things to different people. Many people confuse constipation with regularity and think if they have a bowel movement two or three times a week, they’re fine. All too often doctors and other health professionals shrug off this condition as long as there is regularity. Continue reading “Natural Ways to Fight Constipation”

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FODMAP Diet – A Way to Eliminate or Reduce IBS Symptoms

FODMAPIf you experience IBS symptoms such as abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, gas, and bloating, then you know the serious impact that it can have on your quality of life. One in five Americans suffer from IBS and many also experience anxiety or depression along with their painful digestive symptoms. But, did you know that a dietary approach can eliminate or significantly reduce IBS symptoms?

Following a low FODMAP diet has been clinically shown to provide an effective approach to managing IBS/functional gut disorders. FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides And Polyols.

An Australian research team developed this dietary approach and it is considered the primary management strategy for IBS in Australia. FODMAPs are specific types of carbohydrates (short-chain carbohydrates), which are incompletely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, they stay in the small intestine where bacteria feed on them and produce byproducts and waste materials. Continue reading “FODMAP Diet – A Way to Eliminate or Reduce IBS Symptoms”

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Digestive Series: Taking a Natural Approach to IBS

irritable-bowel-syndromeIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gastrointestinal disorder that affects the large intestine (colon). It is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders and is characterized by abdominal distension, constipation and diarrhea, mucus in the stool, gas, and nausea. Individuals with IBS also tend to have mental and emotional symptoms such as anxiety, fatigue, depression and difficulty sleeping. The frequency and severity of IBS symptoms seem to correlate with psychological factors.

What are the symptoms of IBS?

Uncomfortable signs and symptoms are:

 Abdominal pain
 Mucus in stool

Holistic Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

At Village Green Apothecary, our trained nutritionists can work with you to develop the right natural treatment plan specific to your needs. They can help to discover the root cause of your IBS and recommend natural remedies such as nutritional supplements including vitamins, minerals, herbs, and homeopathic remedies. They can also create a diet and lifestyle plan for you. Natural treatments for IBS include increasing fiber intake, avoiding refined sugar, processed foods, and foods that you may be allergic or sensitive to, stress reduction techniques, regular exercise, and taking nutritional supplements to support gastrointestinal health.  Continue reading “Digestive Series: Taking a Natural Approach to IBS”

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Tips to Stay Regular

supremaOptimal digestive health depends on waste and toxins continually moving out through the bowels. Providing your digestive system with healthy food and good microbes will enhance your ability to properly digest all the foods you eat. Furthermore, good bowel habits can help prevent many common bowel conditions and keep other body systems working properly. It’s important to stay regular.

A fine balance exists between the bacteria found in the bowels and the ability of the intestines to defend against disease. Prebiotics such as inulin and fructooligosaccharides (found in bananas, leeks, garlic, and onions) increase the effectiveness of the microbes in the intestines, giving a natural boost to your immune system.

Unfortunately, imbalances can occur, sometimes leading to painful and embarrassing symptoms. The following information may help pinpoint common bowel conditions.  Continue reading “Tips to Stay Regular”

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Digestive Enzymes – The Key to Digestive Health

Ideal digestive function is at the core of good health. Not only does our digestive system break down and absorb nutrients, but it also houses 60-70% of the immune system. Digestive complaints such as constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, gas, bloating, and reflux, are each important symptoms that should be examined for the root cause. If not resolved, digestive problems can lead to the development of serious health conditions. Fortunately, there are things that you can do help with your digestive health.

Digestive enzymes are necessary for digestion and absorption of food. Adding more enzymes to your diet is beneficial due to the destruction of enzymes in the cooking and/or processing of foods. Enzyme deficiencies can result in poor absorption and other health problems. Pathway DIGASE contains the full complement of enzymes complemented by gentian root, caraway seed, and ginger root to support digestion. This unique product is formulated to provide as much as 80% of the digestive elements needed for the typical meal.

Check out this video by Registered Dietitian Natalie Butler about the cause of enzyme depletion and what can be done to improve digestive health.  Around the 6 minute mark, she discusses supplemental enzymes and her personal experience with irritable bowel syndrome and enzymes.

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Our Bloggers

  • Paula Gallagher
    Paula Gallagher
    Paula is a highly qualified and experienced nutrition counselor on the staff at Village Green.
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  • Margo Gladding
    Margo Gladding
    Margo's impressive knowledge base is the result of a unique blend of educational and professional experience.
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  • Dr. Neal Barnard
    Dr. Neal Barnard
    Dr. Barnard leads programs advocating for preventive medicine, good nutrition, and higher ethical standards in research.
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  • Joseph Pizzorno
    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno
    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, ND is a pioneer of integrative medicine and a leading authority on science-based natural medicine.
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  • Debi Silber
    Debi Silber
    Debi is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition, a personal trainer, and whole health coach.
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  • Teri Cochrane
    Teri Cochrane
    Teri is a is a Certified Coach Practitioner with extensive certifications and experience in holistic medicinal practices.
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  • Dr. Rav Ivker
    Dr. Rav Ivker
    Dr. Rav Ivker is a holistic family physician, health educator, and best-selling author.
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  • Susan Levin
    Susan Levin
    Susan writes about the connection between plant-based diets and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.
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  • Rob Brown
    Dr. Rob Brown
    Dr. Brown's blended perspective of healthcare includes a deeply rooted passion for wellness and spiritual exploration.
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April 2024