How to Create and Maintain a Fit and Healthy Brain

brain-healthSo often we’re reminded to take care of our bodies so that they look and perform the way we’d like them to. Are we as concerned about keeping our brain fit, sharp and healthy? Here are a few ways to keep your brain as youthful as your body.

Nutrition: The brain is largely made up of fat, so we need to eat fat to support a healthy brain. Fat coming from omega-3 sources such as olive oil, nuts, wild salmon, etc. are all great sources. Since sugar and carbs are pro-inflammatory foods, these should be dramatically reduced too, since they impair brain function while creating inflammation and disease. Of course, highly processed foods aren’t contributing to brain health either. Here’s a general rule for making healthier choices – if you can’t pronounce the ingredients, Continue reading “How to Create and Maintain a Fit and Healthy Brain”

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Yoga Keeps Your Mind Sharp

yoga-classDownward dogs and child pose may not just help you relax and keep you limber, but may also help with mild cognitive impairment, according to a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Researchers from UCLA and Australia’s University of Adelaide compared yoga and meditation against memory training, which has often been considered the best way to manage mild cognitive impairment.

Participants had all shown signs of mild cognitive impairment, reporting problems with their memory such as easily misplacing things, or forgetting names, faces or appointments. Participants were divided into two groups. One group performed daily memory exercises and the other practiced yoga and meditation. Continue reading “Yoga Keeps Your Mind Sharp”

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April 2024