Natural Tools for ADHD

ADHD distractionsAttention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has become a commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder, mostly affecting school-age children. It is a neurological- and behavior-related condition that causes difficulty in concentrating, as well as impulsiveness and excessive energy.

Children with this disorder are characterized as inattentive, impulsive, aggressive and hyperactive. Continue reading “Natural Tools for ADHD”

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April 20-26: Nourishing Hope Summit – Nutrition for ADHD, Autism & Anxiety

nourishing hope summitThe number of children being diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders is on the rise. Currently, there are over six million children with ADHD. About 1 in 54 children have autism, and over four million children have been diagnosed with anxiety. Most children with neurodevelopmental disorders suffer physical health issues as well as neurological symptoms. Research shows that there is a strong correlation between mental health conditions and nutrient status. For example, 50% of children with autism have been shown not to meet the nutritional requirements for 11 important nutrients. Continue reading “April 20-26: Nourishing Hope Summit – Nutrition for ADHD, Autism & Anxiety”

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Children’s Series: ADD and ADHD

child-playingAttention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are very common childhood behavioral and developmental disorders. Onset usually occurs by the age of 3 and can last through adulthood. Children with ADD and ADHD usually have trouble paying attention, staying focused, and controlling their behavior.

A child with ADD/ADHD may:

Daydream a lot
Forget or lose things a lot
Squirm or fidget
Talk too much
Make careless mistakes or take unnecessary risks
Have a hard time resisting temptation
Have trouble taking turns
Have difficulty getting along with others

Some possible triggers for ADD/ADHD include:

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Children’s Health Series

children-leavesIn this series, we will be looking at natural approaches for symptoms associated with ADD, ADHD and autism, as well as constipation and allergies in children.

We believe that radiant health, energy and vitality occur when we heal the real problem, so we focus on finding the cause of those symptoms. Getting to the root of the problem is the real solution to improving adults’ and children’s health.

Village Green’s wellness counselors, including naturopathic doctors and certified nutritionists, are available for individualized consultations for a personal assessment of your child’s unique situation. Our professionals will:

Examine your child’s current lifestyle
Review your child’s symptoms
Answer questions you may have
Evaluate natural remedies and treatments
Create an individualized, natural solution with recommendations for you

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Nutrient Power: Rebalancing Biochemistry to Address Health Issues

In his fascinating new book, Nutrient Power, Dr. William Walsh focuses on brain health and the importance of nutrients to rebalance brain chemistry. The main foundation of the book is focusing on an individual’s unique needs and then formulating a personalized compound, or recommending specific nutrients based on those needs.

Dr. Walsh summarizes his book:

“I’m pleased to announce that my new book Nutrient Power (Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.) has been completed. The book won’t be released to Amazon and bookstores until September, but early copies are now available at Village Green Apothecary (call 1-800-869-9159 to order) and through Walsh Research Institute. The book presents a science-based nutrient therapy system that can help millions of patients throughout the world. The text is aimed at doctors, researchers, and families challenged by depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, ADHD, autism, and other brain disorders. This approach recognizes that nutrient imbalances can alter brain levels of key neurotransmitters, disrupt gene expression of proteins and enzymes, and cripple the body’s protection against environmental toxins. The book demonstrates that depression, schizophrenia, and ADHD are umbrella terms that encompass disorders with widely-differing brain chemistries and symptoms. Nutrient therapies tailored for five depression biotypes, three schizophrenia biotypes, and various ADHD conditions are presented along with several case histories. Continue reading “Nutrient Power: Rebalancing Biochemistry to Address Health Issues”

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Our Bloggers

  • Paula Gallagher
    Paula Gallagher
    Paula is a highly qualified and experienced nutrition counselor on the staff at Village Green.
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  • Margo Gladding
    Margo Gladding
    Margo's impressive knowledge base is the result of a unique blend of educational and professional experience.
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  • Dr. Neal Barnard
    Dr. Neal Barnard
    Dr. Barnard leads programs advocating for preventive medicine, good nutrition, and higher ethical standards in research.
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  • Joseph Pizzorno
    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno
    Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, ND is a pioneer of integrative medicine and a leading authority on science-based natural medicine.
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  • Debi Silber
    Debi Silber
    Debi is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition, a personal trainer, and whole health coach.
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  • Teri Cochrane
    Teri Cochrane
    Teri is a is a Certified Coach Practitioner with extensive certifications and experience in holistic medicinal practices.
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  • Dr. Rav Ivker
    Dr. Rav Ivker
    Dr. Rav Ivker is a holistic family physician, health educator, and best-selling author.
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  • Susan Levin
    Susan Levin
    Susan writes about the connection between plant-based diets and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.
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  • Rob Brown
    Dr. Rob Brown
    Dr. Brown's blended perspective of healthcare includes a deeply rooted passion for wellness and spiritual exploration.
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April 2024